| Isaac Lahey |

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Day twenty eight/theme/in the closet

Day twenty eight/theme/in the closet

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Isaac when you come out to him

Isaac Lahey was your best friend in the whole entire world. You told each other everything, but there was one thing you never told him, you're gay.
You decided one day to finally tell him, knowing that you couldn't wait any longer.
"What did you want to talk about?" Isaac asked standing next to you in his kitchen.
"Isaac... I'm gay." You say. You felt a big pressure fall off of your shoulders and you felt as if you could breathe better.
"Yeah I know."
"What do you mean you know?" You asked.
"You've been my best friend for over 5 years now. I know everything about you. I could literally tell that you liked girls. Besides no girl could know me for that long and never hit on me once unless she were gay."
You laughed and lightly punched his arm. "If you knew, why did you never bring it up?"
"Because i wanted you to tell me when you were comfortable enough to do it." He said putting his arm around you.
"Thank you Isaac."

Also bring Isaac back
Love u babies

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