| Stiles Stilinski |

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this may be sad and maybe upsetting to read so warning. this was very hard to write but i tried to make it not so sad.

 this was very hard to write but i tried to make it not so sad

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you were known as the girl who never got sick. you never had a cold and you never got the flu. once at bhhs there was a flu outbreak. over 90% of students missed for a week but you didn't catch it. it was like you were immune to any kind of sickness.
that's why it came to a surprise to stiles when you gave him the news you just received.
"stiles i have cancer."
time slowed down and he felt like he couldn't breathe. it was as if someone ripped his heart out of his chest.
"her? out of everyone, her?" he thought to himself. the thought was selfish, nobody deserves that. but he couldn't help but think you were the absolute last person who ever deserved it.
"w-will you be okay?"
you sat beside him and rested your head on his shoulder. "they're not sure. they found the tumor in my brain but they're not positive if they can remove it."
your voice cracked and stiles' heart broke. he knew you were trying to be strong for him and it broke him inside and out.
"y/n, whatever happens i'm right here beside you. i'm not leaving you. not now, not ever."
his shaky hands cupped your face and he gently kissed your head.
"i love you, mieczysław."

sorry i added a 13 reasons why reference i couldn't help myself
don't forget to vote and comment xx

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