| Allison Argent |

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Day twenty four/theme/home

Allison when you beg her to stay

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Allison when you beg her to stay

"I can't stay Y/N, I wish you would understand that." Allison said while packing a bag.
"I'm trying my best to understand! I just don't get how you can just leave me like this. Why can't i come with you?"
"That defeats the whole purpose of me leaving. I'm leaving so you won't get hurt. if I bring you with me, there would be no reason to leave." She said zipping up the huge bag. "Now please just go home."
"You are my home." You whispered.
Allison felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest. "What?"
"I said you're my home! You're the only person I can come to with anything. Y-you've given me a reason to smile. I wake up everyday for you. If you're gone, then what's the point?"
A tear fell from Allisons eye as she looked down.
"Please don't leave me Allison."
"Okay i won't. I'm sorry."

I luv me some Allison
Love u babies
ALSO ITS CHRISTMAS EVE WOO HAPPY HOLIDAYS and if u not into that xmas stuff

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