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Stiles when Scott admits he know you two are dating Stiles was chilling with his best friend also his secret girlfriends older brother. You and stiles have been seeing each other for months now but haven't told anybody because you were scared of how Scott would react. Stiles was currently eating curly fries when Scott reached over and turned the radio off and stared at the road. "You okay?" Stiles asked never looking at Scott just continuing to eat his fries. Scott sighed and lifted his head a little. "I know you and Y/N are dating." Stiles's head shot up as fries fell out of his mouth. "What?" "You heard me. I said I know you're dating my little sister. Before you freak out I want you to know I'm not mad, I support you two. But just please take care of her and don't ever hurt her, I would hate to kill my best friend." "I would never even dream of hurting her." Stiles said while eating another fry.
~~~ Uploaded this days ago but I guess it deleted so here it is again Not a December update thing but hey look it's my profile pic in a gif Love u babies