| Jackson Whittemore |

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(Part two to that one where u break up with him, it didn't have a name im sorry lmao)

(Part two to that one where u break up with him, it didn't have a name im sorry lmao)

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Jackson was a mess without you. Nobody ever thought he would change, that he would always be the same asshole he always has been.
But losing you was a turning point for him. Your words hit him like a truck.
The day you left him, everything changed.
He started caring more. He thanked people, smiled at strangers and was even nice to your best friend, Scott McCall.
You noticed his behavior changing and it made your heart flutter. You knew he was doing this for you.
"Jackson can I talk you?" You asked one day.
You sat by the lockers, him following behind you and doing the same.
"Can I ask you why you're acting different?"
He looked down and smiled lightly. "You were right, I am a jerk. And I don't want to be like that anymore. I didn't realize how bad I was hurting people until I lost you. Losing you was one of the worst yet best things to happen to me. If you wouldn't have left me, I would still be the insensitive asshole I always was. And I'm hoping maybe you can see that I'm trying to better myself and maybe give me another chance."
You leaned in and kissed his lips softly.
"Any guy willing to better himself for me, is a guy worth giving another chance to."

I'm rewatching ever episode of shameless right now brb

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