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you and theo had been dating for a few months until he suddenly left. scott never told you he was actually sent to hell, just told you that theo moved away. you were heart broken and just wanted to know why he left you with no explanation. months went by and theo never texted back or returned any of your calls. you gave up and started moving on with your life. one day you were scrolling through your twitter when there was a knock at your door. you got up and answered. there in the flesh was theo. "hi y/n." as much as you wanted to slap him and slam the door in his face, you couldn't. you jumped into his arms and he spun you around. "i missed you so damn much, raeken." "i missed you more y/n." once he stepped inside, you let your feelings out. "you didn't call, you didn't text. nothing. i was left wondering why you left and if you were even alive." "did scott really not tell you?" theo asked. "he told me you moved away, why?" "i've got a lot of explaining to do."
~~~ this book is coming to an end very soon oh my don't forget to vote and comment xx