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Brett when he sees your abusive boyfriend hurt you and he stands up for you You were waiting for your best friend Brett to come over but hoping your boyfriend would leave before he showed up. Your boyfriend was very abusive and if he knew you were hanging out with Brett, he would flip. You were walking out of the kitchen when your boyfriend shoved you back, holding up your phone. "Shit" you thought to yourself. He looked through your phone. "I thought I told you to stop hanging out with that Brett dude." He yelled pushing you down to the ground. "It's not like that, he's just a friend." You say trying to stand up but failing as he kicks you back down. You let out a whimper as he is about to punch you. But you never feel the impact. You look up and see Brett slamming your boyfriend into the wall. "If you were smart, you would leave." Brett said in a low voice to the man. The man lifted his fist to punch him but Brett slammed him into the ground and threw a few punches to his face. Your boyfriend, well clearly after this, ex boyfriend got up and hurried out of the house. "And don't come back you abusive piece of shit!" Brett yelled. He came up to you and helped you up. "Are you okay?" He asked. You slowly nodded. "How long has this been going on?" "About 6 months now." You replied, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He sighed and brought you into his arms. "I love you so much Y/N." he said kissing your head. Your heartbeat sped up and he could feel it. "I love you too."
~~~ This one was longer than usual but damn Love u babies