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Malia when she stayed up all night making your present This was yours and Malia's second Christmas together. You said you didn't want her to buy you anything so she decided to make you something big. She took every picture you both have ever taken and printed them, putting them in a book and writing notes next to each picture. At the end of the book was a promise ring that she had been planning on giving you for a few weeks now. The next morning you woke up to see Malia still up in the living room, making something. "Hold on don't look yet, I'm almost done." Malia said smiling down at the book. You went into the kitchen and made you two some hot cocoa. "Here you go baby." You said handing her a cup. "Thank you. Here's your present. It took me all night to make." She said giving you the book. You went through every page laughing and smiling at the notes she made. You took the promise ring out and put it on your finger. "Malia, thank you. Even though this makes my presents look like crap." You said laughing. "I love you." You quickly kissed her and she smiled down at you. "I love you more. I hope you love it."
~~~ Petition for Malia to fall in love with me Love u babies (I was gonna upload this on Christmas but oops)