The Studio

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We walk into into the studio. I stand with Sarah away from everyone else. Skylar stays with Niall. I feel like I have to stay away from Louis. Sarah just stays with me. I told her what Ms. Adeline said. Sarah is a very trustworthy person unlike Skylar, who I haven't told yet. I glance over at Louis and the group when Ms. Adeline catches my stare. I'm not brave like Skylar so I cower and look away. Then Sarah leans in and whispers to me. "That woman is an American so she's going to be a control freak. I mean, look at my American boyfriend, Mike. He's a lunatic!" I smile. We all head up into the studio. Ms. Adeline walks out of the room. I sigh a sigh of relief. She comes back but when she does, she comes back with someone else. The man has dark hair and an expensive suit on. It's Simon Cowell.

"Harry, I thought I told you to stop bringing girls into the studio." He sounds annoyed and tired. I would be too if I had to put up with Ms. Adeline all day.

"The crazy one is Niall's." Harry responds, his face pink and arms raised innocently. He nods over to Skylar who has her hands on her hips.

"And she-" Harry grabs my arm and pulls me toward him, "is Louis's sister, Kate." I smile at him.

"A pleasure to finally meet you, Kaitlin. Especially since Louis talks about you as much as he does." I wince at him saying my name. Louis talks about me to him?

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Cowell."

"Drop the formalities, darling. Ms. Adeline, please get the boys into the studio."

"Of course Mr. Cowl." She smiles at him and walks over the boys. Mr. Cowell sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Ms. Adeline, for the seventeenth time, it's Cowell, with an 'e.'" She nods sheepishly. Her face is scarlet from embarrassment. I snicker. She glares at me as she leads the boys into the sound booth. Then Simon turns to me. "Kate, you are welcome to stay and watch your brother," he turns to Skylar and Sarah, "as for you and the crazy one, you will be escorted to the room next door. They have magazines and other things girls like. It was nice meeting you." He turns away and a staff member escorts Sarah and a pouty Skylar to the room next door. I take a seat and watch them. Louis waves at me. He gets up and walks over to me. He has his stuffed pigeon, Kevin, in his hands.

"Will you hold him and give him the TLC he needs while I sing?" I take him gingerly out of Louis's hands.

"Absolutely, but I think he needs a lullaby." He grins at me.

"I am sure you'll take care of that." I sigh and sing softly to the bird. This is so stupid. He walks back into the sound booth.

"All right, gentlemen, let's start with 'Little Things.'" Simon says. The track starts to play and Louis winks at me. I stick my tongue out I'm reply. He smiles and Zayn starts to sing. The song is wonderful. I pet Kevin until the song ends. "Brilliant! All right the album is wrapped up and let's move on to the next one-"

"Wait! Have you heard Kate sing?" Liam asks Simon. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. I drop Kevin and cover my face.

"No. Now let's-" Simon begins.

"She's very good. We also thought it might be cool to make music with featuring somebody. We were thinking maybe Kate could feature in one of our songs." Harry says as he looks at me. He smiles at me and I can't help but smile back.

"Fine. Go in." Simon says to me.

"Huh?" I'm shocked and confused.

"Go into the sound booth and, boys, get out." I walk into the sound booth and put on a pair of headphones. I take a deep breath and sit down. "Whenever you're ready, start singing."

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