Part 14

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It was now March and mine and Gavin's relationship has been the best one I've ever had. I haven't had a nightmare in 3 months. Gavin had moved in with me. He had be staying over so much that we just decided to live together. He moved in about a month ago and he no longer stays in the guest room (*wink * *wink*). My birthday was in one day (March 12th). And did I mention is be alone on my birthday? Well not totally alone. Kaiyah, Lindsay, Barbra, Aron, kara, Kayte, and Ashley where coming over for a girls night because Gavin would be in England for 2 more weeks. I love the girls to death but I wanted to be with Gavin. Oh well.

I got to work and sat at my desk. I sighed loudly.

"Are you ok?" Michael turned and asked me.

"Yeah." I sighed out. "I'm just tired."

"Tired?" he said.

"Yeah. I don't even know why!" I said.

"Weird." he laughed.

"I know!" I shouted.

Geoff walk in.

"Hey Geoff." I said tiredly.

"What's her problem?" I heard him whisper to Michael.

"Tired." he said back.

"Why are you so tired Sarah?" Geoff said.

"I don't know!" I said.

"Why don't you go get some coffee?" Geoff said.

"I don't like coffee." I said.

"Just go get something with caffeine in it!" he said.

"Okay." I got up and walked to the break room.

I grabbed a mt. dew and opened it as I walked back. I sat back down and took a sip. I felt a bit better.


The day was over and I just got home. I went to sleep right as I laid down.


It was my birthday. I wasn't as tried today. I checked my twitter. I had many happy birthday tweets. Gavin posted one exactly at midnight. I also had a happy birthday text from him. I got up and took my shower then got dressed. I wore my tower of pimps shirt, skinny jeans, and black converse. I left my hair down and did my usual makeup.

When I got to work I got many happy birthdays. Which made me feel good. I got in the office and me desk was covered in balloons and streamers. My computer screen said 'happy birthday fuck face!' I smiled. When I walked in everyone yelled happy birthday and I thanked them. I was very happy! until I realized how much work I had to do. Ugh.


It was about 5 o'clock. And I had 1 more video to edit. Ughhhh.

"Sarah will you please finish editing this video for me?" Michael said in a hurry.

"Mic-" I started to say.

"Thanks!" he said before I could finish.

"Your welcome?" I said.

"Happy birthday!" he said as he walked out the door.

Why was he in such a hurry to leave early? Now I have to finish Michael's editing and my editing. I was gonna be here late.


I had just finished and it was 7:26. I was the only one in the office. Shut off everything and left. There was nobody in the building. I saw a note on the door.


Please lock the main door. Key is in the top drawer.


I grabbed the note and the key. I locked it and left.

I pulled into the drive way. And went inside. As soon as I opened the door and turned on the lights everyone from the office popped up and screamed surprise. I jumped and yelled. I was always easy to scare.

"Oh. My. fuck. y'all scared the shit out of me." I said.

"Are you surprised?" Kaiyah said coming up and hugging me.

"Very!" I said.

"Good." She said.

"Where the fuck did y'all park?" I said.

"Backyard!" Michael said.

"Man this is great you guys!" I said to everyone.

I felt a tap one my shoulder and I jumped a bit. I turned around.

"Hello love." it was Gavin.

"Gavin!" I yelled.

I hugged him tight. He kissed me for a while. We kissed until we where interrupted by Michael clearing his throat. I let go.

"Is this why you gave me extra work?" I said pointing at Gavin.

"Well I had to pick him up! his ass can't drive!" Michael said.

I laughed. "Thanks. "

I hugged Michael.


Everyone was gone and I was so tired but so was Gavin. Actually Gavin was drunk off his ass. I wasn't that drunk but I was a bit tipsy.


I woke up. My eyes slowly opened. I saw Gavin's beautiful green eyes stare back into mine.

"I missed waking up and seeing you first thing." I said.

"Did you now?" he said.

"I did." I kissed his nose. "I'm so glad your home." I said.

"I'm glad to be home." He said.


*2 months later*

Gavin was sick today and had to stay home. He really was sick. He had a fever of 101 degrees this morning.

I was on my way home and i called Michael to ask him if he wanted to come over and hang cause Gavin would most likely be sleeping. He was up every 30 min. throwing up and he was tired. Michael gladly agreed and said he be there in a few.

I pulled into the driveway. Michael was already here. Probably because I had to stop and get medicine for Gavin. The door was unlocked so I just walked in. I tried to call out for Gavin or Michael but I got nothing. I figured Gavin was sleeping but I didn't know where Michael was. I walked into the living room and kitchen but saw nobody.

I walked upstairs to see Gavin and maybe Michael. I went inside the bedroom and found Gavin. He was lying on the cold hardwood. I called out his name with a voice filled with terror. I ran to him flipped him over. My hand cover my mouth in a gasp and I slightly stepped away.

"Gavin?" I said meekly, unable to get out anything else.

He didn't even look that much like Gavin. He had been beaten. He was covered in blood sand bruises. But I could tell it was him by his neckless, that he never took off, and his perfectly ruffled hair that only Gavin can get. I began to scream. I didn't know what else to do. It was a scream filled with tears, anger, horror, and pain. I screamed until I was just standing there with my mouth open, completely mute, and my face streaked in tear marks and mascara. No matter how hard I tried it didn't help, I was making no sound. Then I collapsed to the floor. That was the last time I'd see him. He was gone. Forever. Or was he? I felt myself be lifted up. I didn't care who it was I buried my head into their chest. The sent was familiar. And I cried and cried for who knows how long. He was gone.

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