part 23

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@5 years later@

1 kid. His name? David. He has Gavin's noes, blonde hair, and Gavin's eyes. He was 4 now. We had a great life. But this was the year that the strange man who beat up Gavin gets out of jail. I've been getting creepy messages. I only read one then stopped I didn't show or tell Gavin because I didn't want him to worry.

I drove to the pre-k with Gavin and picked up David. When we were home I sent David to his room and me and Gavin sat downstairs.

"Gavin." I said shyly.

"Yes love?" he leaned over to me.

"Guess what." I said with a smile.

"What?" he smiled widely.

"We did it." I smiled.

"We did it?" Gavin was lost.

"I'm pregnant." I said softly.

"Oh my god! sarah!! I'm do happy!!!" Gavin grabbed my face and kissed me.

"But I-" there was a loud crash and suddenly I was falling. It was an endless black pit. I felt the wind rush over me. There was no sound, so pain, no feelings, and no color. But then it came back.

"Sarah! Sarah! sarah!" I heard gavin yell at me.

"Sarah! sarah!sarah!" The voice slowly faded to Michael's.

I opened my eyes and saw Michael. I was on his couch. The whole thing was a dream. Everything from the night before Gavin got back from New York to the night I told Gavin we had another baby on the way, was all a dream. It was now a chance to start over but I lose everything.

"Michael?" I ask tiredly.

"Yeah?" his eyes had worry in them.

"What year is it?" I asked. I probably sounded crazy and insane but I needed to know.

"2013. are you okay sarah?" Michael said.

"It was all a dream. Everything." I mumbled to myself.

Michael sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"What are you talking about?" Michael was worried.

"It was a dream. A dream that made me live the next 8 or 9 years of my life. But what if it's all wrong. What if he doesn't really love me? maybe the bad thing are gone but all the good things aren't true? what the fuck is happening?" I held my head in my hands.

"I don't know. I'm sure it's just a dream. And you don't need to worry about Gavin not loving you. Gavin has been head over heels for you, sarah. He loves you so much and no bad things will happen I promise." Michael said.

My mood lightened. I felt calm now. I felt... content with my life. Maybe the dream was just life warning me of what could happen if I go through with everything. I'm taking my chances. If I could get through the things in my dream I can get through the whatever life has to offer. Life and love are just roller coasters. There are ups. There are downs. But over all it's a fun, thrilling, adrenaline packed ride that you can't live the same way ever again. It's just something you have buckle up for and prepare yourself for what is to come.

<yes it's over sowwy. I'm thinking of a sequel that has the real story and what is to come in their real life. But if I do make a sequel, it.wont be out till the summer. It was quiet a plot twist sorry bout that. This was my most successful book and I so thankful for my 3k+ readers. I love you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed. Also I have a new book that I just put up a new book so go read!

thanks loves. I love you. And stay cheeky<3>

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