The Day In A Life Of A Bruce

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*Blaze's P.O.V*

It was the end of the school day. I was waiting for my dad to pick me up. He's normally a few minutes late. I can't blame him. He's busy with Asking Alexandria. Before you ask, Ben Bruce, the lead guitarist for Asking Alexandria is my dad. He normally picks me up when he isn't on tour. When he is on tour, he normally gets his mum or dad to pick me up. Anyway, dad pulled up in the school's parking lot and got out of his car. He shut the car door and he opened his arms, indicating he wanted a hug. I ran over to him and hugged him. He picked me up and gave me a bear hug in return. He kissed my forehead. 

"Hey dad," I said, childishly. 

"Hey kid," dad replied, "How was school today?" 

"Good," I exclaimed. He put me back on the ground and we got into the car. Dad sat in the driver seat and I sat in the passenger seat. Dad started up the car and he started driving home. We both talked abut what we did during the day. Dad's day was more interesting than my day. He was mainly mucking around with the guys. I wonder if he has asked Denis out. Dad has a giant crush on Denis. 

"Dad, have you asked Denis out yet?" I asked. Dad blushed a little. 

"Unfortunately, no I haven't, kid," he answered, "If I'm being honest Blaze, I don't think Denis likes me in that way. Plus, I think he prefers girls and I think he's straight." He sounded really bummed when he said it.  But, he's wrong about Denis not liking him. Denis actually prefers dad more than anything and Denis isn't straight. Denis told me that he had a crush on dad. But he made me swear that I wouldn't tell dad. I kinda regret asking dad if he asked Denis out. 

"I'm sorry for asking, dad," I apologised, as he pulled up in the driveway, "I regret asking that." 

"It's fine, kid," he replied, as he pet my head, "There's plenty more fish in the sea." He was smiling now. His smile made me smile. 

"Lets go inside," he said. 

"Ok," I replied childishly. He cut off the engine of the car and we got out of the car. We made our way into the house. Cameron, Sam and James were in the lounge room, laughing about something. Denis was somewhere. I went to search for him. The search wasn't very long because I found Denis in the kitchen getting a monster. 

"Den Den, " I greeted, childishly. He jumped. He laughed it off. 

"Jeez, you scared me," he replied, chuckling.

"Sorry about that," I apologised, smiling slightly. 

"Its fine," he replied, "You didn't tell your dad I like him, did you?" 

"Don't worry, I didn't," I exclaimed, being honest, "You made me swear that I don't tell him." He gave me a thumbs up. We walked back into the lounge room. Dad and the guys were talking about something. But they stopped whatever they were talking about when Denis and I walked into the room. I think they were talking about dad liking Denis. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. I went to sit next to dad and Denis went to sit next to Cameron. We were watching Angry Birds. There was some dirty jokes that we all laughed at. 

"Blaze, can you have a shower and get into your pjs please?" dad asked, politely. 

"Yes dad," I answered. I went to get a towel, my pjs and went to the bathroom. 

*Ben's P.O.V* 

"Yes dad," Blaze answered. She went to have a shower. She's a good child. The only thing is, she's technically not my child. I found her on the side of the streets when she was only a baby. When I took her to the doctors to make sure that she didn't have serious damage, the doctor told me that they couldn't find her parents. I tried to find her parents for a few months, but I couldn't find her parents. I tried every option to find her parents, but every option couldn't find her parents. Her parents are basically unknown. So, since her parents are basically unknown, I've been raising her. Blaze is aware that I'm not her real dad, but she treats me like her real dad. The other things is that, I'm not allowed to raise her with another person. It's not my rule. It's the government's rule. It's just to prevent Blaze getting to attached living with us. I was lost in thought when Blaze sat next to me again in her black pyjama shirt and black pyjama pants. The black pyjama shirt is a bit big for her, but it is boy pyjama shirt. Denis got it for her when she turned 15. Blaze's hair was still a bit damp. Mainly because she washed it. James, Cameron and Sam had to leave to their girlfriends. Denis was staying the night at our house. It made it a bit awkward for me. It was completely silent. 

"So, Blaze, anything interesting happening at school anytime soon?" Denis asked. 

"Tomorrow is the father daughter dance," she answered. I'm actually excited for the father daughter dance. It will give me more time to spend with her. 

"Have you picked out a dress?" Denis asked.

"I'm not going in a dress," she answered. Denis raised an eyebrow. 

"She can't wear dresses," I added, "Blaze is allergic to the fabric on the inside of the dresses. So the school's principal is letting her go in fancy boy clothes." 

"Ahh, ok," Denis replied, "Thanks for clearing that up." I gave him a thumbs up and smiled slightly. It became awkward and silent. Blaze announced that she was going to bed. Denis said night to her and she said night back. 

"Do I get a hug before you go to bed?" I asked. She hugged me tightly. I love her hugs. 

"Night kid," I said. 

"Night dad," she replied. She walked to her bedroom. 

"That's cute," Denis said, with a cheeky smile that made me blush. 

"Shut up," I replied, chuckling. 

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