Finding Out

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*Ben's P.O.V*

It turns out that our first destination was Boston. It is going to be a while before we arrive. So, to past the time a little, I called Blaze's school principal, saying that Blaze isn't going to be at school for the last few days and the first few weeks of next year. Denis, Blaze and James were playing Uno while Sam and Cameron were watching something on the TV. I watched James, Blaze and Denis play Uno. Blaze was winning.

"I change the colour to green and Uno," she said, as she put down a wild card. James put a green 2 down and Denis put a green 6 down. Blaze put down her final card, which was a green 3.

"Yay, I won," she said, excitedly, "Now it's between you two. Denis and Jack Off Jimmy."

"You seriously still calling me that?" James asked.

"Yes, I'm still calling you that," Blaze answered, "It's never gonna stop." Denis was chuckling at the nickname that Blaze gave James. Denis's chuckle made me blush a little. After a few minutes, Denis had won between him and James. Since that game took a while, we arrived at Boston. Blaze was really excited to be at Boston. We went into our hotel and we decided who was going to be sharing a room with who. James and Cameron were sharing one room, Sam and Blaze were sharing another room, which left me and Denis sharing one room. This is going to be slightly awkward. Sam, Blaze, James and Cameron ran to their rooms while I went to get my and Denis's room key.

"Which room do we have?" Denis asked, with his Ukrainian accent.

"Room 102," I answered, "The room that is on the opposite side of Sam's and Blaze's room." Denis nodded. We walked up to our room and we unpacked our things. This is actually the first time I was sharing a room with Denis. Normally, I would share a room with Blaze, for the obvious reason. It was going to happen eventually that I would be sharing a room with someone other than Blaze. I unpacked all of my things and went into Sam's and Blaze's room. When I walked in, Blaze turned a piece of paper over as soon as I walked in. It was like if they were planning something.

"What are you two doing?" I asked.

"Nothing," Sam answered, as he put the piece of paper in the drawer. I have the feeling that they're lying to me. I'm not going to bother to ask. It's just easier that way. But, I'm curious on what they're doing.

"What was on that piece of paper?" I asked, curiously.

"Nothing," Blaze answered.

"I suspect something is going on that the two of you aren't telling me," I replied, "I just can't figure it out." With that, I left their room and went back to mine and Denis's room. Denis was doing something somewhere. I heard the water running in the shower. So he's having a shower. I wonder what Cameron and James are doing.

*Blaze's P.O.V*

Dad went back to his and Denis's room. Sam got the piece of paper of the drawer. Sam and I are planning a way of getting dad and Denis together. I just hope that this plan works because my other plans have failed.

"This plan better work," I said.

"It has too," Sam replied, "This is the only plan that we have left." Sam has been helping me find a way to get dad and Denis together the whole time. Sam was the only one that I told about dad liking Denis and vice versa.

"Let's go over it one more time," Sam continued, "When we're at the venue, 10 minutes before the meet and greet, I'll get Denis and you'll get your dad and we'll put them in a room together. We'll outside the door for about 5 minutes and then we'll go back into the room. If they aren't kissing, then our plan fails and we have to come up with another one. If they are kissing, our plan works and that means that are together. Have I covered everything?"

"Don't forget that we can't tell anyone about them getting together, if they do," I added, "Because of the one parent rule."

"Oh, yeah, there's that," he replied, "Anything else?"

"Not that I can think of," I exclaimed, "Thanks for helping Sam."

"Anything to help you get Denis and your dad together," he replied. We gave each other a fist bump and a hug. When it was time, we walked to the venue, since it was only a few metres away from the hotel. Dad and the guys had to make sure there wasn't any fans around. We reached the venue without being spotted. Dad was tuning his guitar and Denis was warming up his voice.

"Plan is ago," San whispered, in my ear. I gave him a thumbs up and a nod. I walked over to dad as Sam walked over to Denis.

"Dad, can I show you something in that room over there?" I asked, pointing to the room, "It's nothing bad, I swear." He thought about it for a moment.

"Ok," he answered, putting his guitar down. I led dad to the room I pointed at. We walked past Denis and Sam. I gave Sam a secret thumbs up and he gave me a thumbs up. I opened the door of the room and I led dad into the room. Sam followed us with Denis behind him.

"Stay here," Sam and I said. Sam and I walked out of the room and I closed the door behind us.

"I hope this works," I said.

"Don't worry, it will work," Sam replied, "Just give it some time."

*Ben's P.O.V*

Sam and Blaze walked out of the room, leaving Denis and I in the room. Blaze shut the door behind her. Blaze said she needed to show me something. She lied to me, cheeky child. For two minutes, it was completely silent.

"I have something to tell you," we both said. Denis chuckled as I blushed a little while chuckling.

"You first," I replied.

"Ok, I have something to tell you, as we covered before," he started explaining, "I've been having mixed feelings since I joined Asking Alexandria. I don't know how to describe those feelings. It's like having crush and simular. These feelings have been growing bigger and bigger over the past year. Blaze is the only person I've told about these feelings and she seems to understand. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, for the past year, I've had the biggest crush on you. I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way, but these are my feelings. I hope you can understand that." Wow, that was a lot to take in.

"Actually, Denis, I have a confession to make," I replied, "I've been feeling the same as you." We both smiled.

"I have something to ask you," Denis said, "Would you like to go out with me and be my boyfriend?"

"I would love to go out with you and be your boyfriend," I answered. Denis put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me on my lips. I put my hands on his waist and kissed him back. We heard the door open but we didn't care.

"Our plan finally worked," Blaze said excitedly. That caught our attention. We pulled away and looked at Blaze and Sam. They gave each other a high five.

"What are you two talking about?" Denis asked.

"This is Sam's and my plan to get you two together," Blaze answered, "And it finally worked. Doubted it took a year, but it finally worked." Aw, that was nice of Sam and Blaze trying to get us together. I picked Blaze up and hugged her. She hugged me back. I looked at her straight in the eyes.

"You know about the one parent thing, right?" I asked.

"I'm willing to risk it," she answered.

"Awe," I replied. I kissed her forehead and put her back on the ground.

"Hey, can your new dad get a hug?" Denis asked, chuckling and smiling. Blaze chuckled and gave him a hug. Denis gave her a bear hug. From the look on Blaze's face, I can tell that Blaze is going to love having two fathers. I just hope the government doesn't find out.

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