The New Kid Of The Orphanage

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*Blaze's P.O.V* 

Once we reached the orphanage, I was introduced to every staff member and every single kid in the orphanage. I already hate it here. I want dad and батько (father) as my parents. I don't want to be here. I was dragged to where I was going to be sleeping and the workers put my bags near my bed. A worker threw me onto the bed and they walked away with the king. Some of the kids looked me strangely and it crept me out. 

"What are you looking at?" I asked, angrily. They looked away and pretended that they weren't looking me. As if my day couldn't get any worse, a popular girl and her passé walked over to me. 

"You used to be Ben Bruce's daughter," she started, "That means nothing to us. Plus, you look nothing like him." She started to laugh and her passé laughed with her. 

"That's because he found me on the streets," I retaliated. She and her passé stopped laughing. 

"I can see that you've adapted the rockstar attitude from him," she replied, "I see why he didn't want you anymore. You became too much for him." 

"That's not why I'm here," I exclaimed, "The government found out that he was dating someone and I was taken away." She seemed to become annoyed at me for retaliating against her. She clicked her fingers and pointed her finger at a guy who looked a few years older than me. The guy walked forward and cracked his knuckles. I stood up from my bed, getting ready to defend myself. The guy came closer and closer, until he was in close range. He started throwing punches. I dodged every time. He threw one more punch and I ducked under his arm and made a run to the opposite of the room. Of course, he followed me. This time, he kicked me in the ribcage, which also gave him a chance to punch my left right cheek. I screamed in pain. I straightened my back up and I decided to fight back. I did the same thing to him. I kicked him in the ribcage and punched his left cheek, except more violently. While he was groaning in pain, I took the chance to run away from him. He started walking towards me again. He punched me in the nose right as the manager walked in when it happened. 

"Oi, oi, stop fighting, the both of you," the manager, Phoebe, demanded, "How did this happen?" I explained everything to her and she seemed disappointed. She yelled at him for a few minutes and she gave me a warning for retaliating/fighting back. She told me to go and wash my face, since my nose was bleeding. I did what I was told and went to the bathroom. I got a few pieces of paper towels and held them to my nose, just until my nose stopped bleeding. This is why I want dad and батько (father) back as my parents. They would beat the shit out of anyone that hurt me. Dad has done it before, even though he almost got arrested for it. Once my nose stopped bleeding, I put the pieces of paper towel in the closest bin. I then looked in the mirror. My left cheek had become swollen and my nose had become bruised. That's just great. I just hope my day doesn't get any worst and that dad doesn't Skype call me later. I don't want him to see that my cheek is swollen and that my nose is bruised. 

*Ben's P.O.V* 

I wonder how Blaze is doing at orphanage. I hope she's ok. At the moment, I was teaching Harrison how to play the guitar. I've been teaching him for the passed hour and all he's learnt is the basics. Blaze learnt the basics, plus a song in hour when I was teaching her. But, that was two years ago. 

"Ok, Harrison, that's enough for today," I said, as I put my guitar down. Since Harrison was learning to play on one of my other guitars, I put that guitar in its case. Harrison went back to his room as I laid down on mine and Denis's bed. I got my phone out of my pocket and put in my password. I was looking through all of the photos and videos of Blaze and I. I came across one video that was recorded back in 2008. These was recorded when Blaze was only seven years old! I pressed play and the video started. 

*Start of video*

"James, why are you recording me on my own phone?" I asked.

"Because," James answered, "I want you to remember Blaze's reaction." I flipped him off as I unlocked the front door. We walked through the front door and I saw Blaze in the lounge room with my parents. 

"Blaze, I'm home," I said. Blaze looked up and a wide smile appeared on her face.

"Daddy!" Blaze exclaimed, excitedly. She got up and ran up to me. I picked her up and held her on my hip with my arm. She put her on my shoulder and she looked tired.

"Why so tired?" I asked.

"I wanted to wait for you to come home," she answered. Awe. I sat down on the couch and placed Blaze on my knee. My parents told me that Blaze had already did her homework and everything she did as she waited for me. My parents ended up leaving a few minutes after I arrived home. I laid back back on the couch and put a movie. Blaze ended up falling asleep with her head on my chest. 

"She's so adorable, isn't she?" I asked, whispering. 

"She sure is," James answered, whispering. 

*End of video* 

A single tear ran down my face. What's surprising is that I remember that happening. I'm actually quite glad I didn't delete this video. I looked through more videos and photos of me and Blaze. A few photos and videos had James, Cameron and Sam. There was the occasional video and photo with Blaze and Denis in it. I still can't believe she's gone.

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