Asking Alexandria Is Going On Warped Tour

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*Ben's P.O.V*

I didn't wake up until midday the next day. It's a good thing that it's Saturday. I wonder if Blaze has woken up yet. On Saturdays and Sundays, Blaze normally wakes up half an hour to an hour before me. I got up from my bed and went to the lounge room. Denis was awake and Blaze was sitting next to him. They were talking about something about something while watching The Maze Runner. What are they talking about? They were also laughing about something. While they were talking, laughing and watching The Maze Runner, I went to do the laundry, just so I won't have to do it later. I put in the white clothes first. I started the washing machine and it did its normal thing. I walked back to the lounge room and I was suddenly hugged by Blaze. It took me a minute before I hugged her back.

"How long have you been awake for?" I asked her.

"Half an hour," she answered. I saw Denis smiling from the corner of my eye, which made me smile and blush a little. Blaze and I both sat down on the couch. My phone immediately rings as I sat down. I got it from the table and answered the call. Blaze and Denis were pretending not to listen to the call I was having. It was basically our tour manager, Kyle,  telling me that Asking Alexandria is going to be on Warped Tour this year.

"Is Blaze allowed to come?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," Kyle answered.

"Ok, cool," I replied. I hung up the call and put my phone back onto the table. Denis and Blaze looked at me.

"Who was that?" Denis asked.

"Kyle, our tour manager," I answered, "We're going on Warped Tour this year. Blaze, since it's near the end of the year, you get to come with us."

"Yay," she replied, excitedly frailing her arms, "Good because all we're doing in school is barely anything." I chuckled a little as I petted her head. She wrinkled her nose as I petted her head. She's such a weird child, but that's what I love about her. Denis got his phone out and went into the kitchen. I think he was calling Sam, James and Cameron to let them know about Warped Tour. He came back a few minutes later.

"Sam, Cameron and James know about Warped Tour," he explained. I gave him a thumbs up.

"When do we leave for it?" Blaze asked.

"Tomorrow morning," I answered, "We have to be at the tour bus by tonight though." She gave me a thumbs up. The three of us started packing our things. Blaze was the first one to finish packing her things. Denis and I were mainly goofing around while we were packing our things. We did finish packing our things, it just took us a while to pack it. We were ready to go.

"Are you forgetting something, Ben?" Denis asked, sounding like it was obvious.

"No," I answered.

"You sure about that?" Blaze asked. I looked down to realise that I didn't have a shirt on.

"Oh, right, my shirt, I'll be back," I answered. I went back into my room and grabbed a random shirt. I put my shirt on. It was my Led Zeppelin shirt. I went back to Denis and Blaze, who were laughing about something. We were now ready to go to Warped Tour. Denis sat in the drivers seat, I sat in the passengers seat and Blaze sat behind me. Denis started up the car and started driving to the Warped Tour buses. Along the way, I got a text from James, or as Blaze calls him, Jack Off Jimmy. She got the idea from Danny.

J: Is Blaze coming to Warped Tour this year?

B: Yeah, she's coming this year.

J: Yay!

James, Cameron and Sam were always excited to see Blaze on Warped Tour.

"Who was that from?" Blaze asked.

"James," I answered.

"Don't you mean Jack Off Jimmy?" she asked. I chuckled at her question.

"Yes, I mean Jack Off Jimmy," I answered, smiling. I could see her cheeky smile in the door mirror. We arrived at the Warped Tour buses. My parents were there. One of them is going to be driving my car back to my place while the other one drives their car. From what I could see, my mum was holding two things. She might of gotten something for Blaze and I. We got out of the car and got our things from the back of the car. Blaze and I went to my parents while Denis went to search for Asking's tour bus. Blaze and I were greeted by my parents. It turns out that my mum had gotten us custom made t-shirts. Mine had all the bands I listened to as kid on it and Blaze's shirt had 'I Am The Daughter Of Ben Bruce' and it has a picture of me on it.

"Thank you," Blaze and I thanked. I hugged mum and Blaze hugged dad and vice versa. I gave my mum the keys to my car. My dad got back into their car as mum got into my car. The both of them drove off. Denis came back and led us to Asking's tour bus. James, Sam and Cameron immediately started giving Blaze hugs when they noticed us.

"About time you came Blaze," Sam said, picking her up and hugging her, "You haven't been to Warped in a year."

"Hey, it's not my fault that I was sick and had to stay home last year," Blaze replied, defending herself.

"You got sick at the wrong time last year," Sam exclaimed.

"Again, not my fault," she replied. He put her back on the ground and we walked into the tour bus. We all claimed our bunks in bunk alley. Blaze chose one that was above Cameron's and across from mine and Denis's. James's and Sam's were near the back of bunk alley. The tour bus started moving, with the other tour buses. Warped Tour has officially started.

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