The First Show

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*Denis's P.O.V*

It's cute how Blaze sacrificed the one parent rule so Ben and I to get together. I kissed her forehead and she wrinkled her nose. I chuckled at her childishness. I put her back on her feet. Our tour manager told us that it was time for our meet and greet. Cameron and James came into the room since they were the only ones that weren't in the room yet. Blaze stood with Kyle near the door. She normally brings in the fans, one at a time. Kyle helps her by making sure that the fans don't come rushing in at the same time. Blaze opened the door and let the first fan in. She shut the door behind the first fan and stood in front of the door. The fan stood between Sam and Cameron. She then her photo taken with us and left the room.

"Next," Blaze said and the next fan came. Blaze again shut the door behind the fan. This repeated until it was time for us to perform. Blaze had tuned Ben's guitar, Cameron's guitar and Sam's bass. She even checked if the mics were working. I heard from Ben that when she came on Warped Tours and general tours with Asking, she would tune the guitars and bass and would check if the mics are working. The AA fans loved it when she did it. AA was the first band to perform. Blaze had checked the mics and had come back to the side entrance with us. We did our normal before show ritual and James was the first one to walk on to the stage. He walked up to his drum set and sat on his stool. Ben and Cameron were the next two to walk on stage. Sam and I were the last ones to walk on stage. The fans started screaming as we started with Let It Sleep. The fans sang along to the song. I looked to my right and saw Blaze silently singing along while smiling. I slightly smiled as I looked back to the fans. The next song we played was Here I Am. We played a few more of our songs before we got off the stage. Blaze ran up to Ben and I when we walked off the stage. She hugged us both and told us how awesome the show was. It was cute, in a way.

*Ben's P.O.V*

Since Asking just performed, we were allowed to go back to our hotel. Denis and I went back to our room, Sam and Blaze went to their room and James and Cameron went to their room. Denis went to have a shower to cool down. I went into Sam's and Blaze's room.

"Where's Sam?" I asked.

"In the bathroom," she answered, "He's having a shower." I sat down next to her on the bed. She was watching Geordie Shore.

"Blaze, I would like to thank you," I said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For getting me and Denis together," I answered.

"I know how much you like him and vice versa," she replied, "I've been trying to get you two together for a year, with the help of Sam." I smiled a little as she wrinkled her nose. Denis came into the room with fresh clothes on. His hair was still a bit damp. He sat on the opposite side of Blaze.

"What we are  watching?" he asked, "And where's Sam?" 

"Geordie Shore," Blaze answered, "And Sam is in the bathroom, having a shower." Denis hugged her and kissed the top of her head. I could tell that Blaze already loves having two dads. The only is that she has to keep our relationship a secret to avoid being taken away. I could tell that Denis loves having Blaze as child. I joined them in the hug.

"Yay, family hug!" Blaze exclaimed. Sam came out of the bathroom with fresh clothes on. The three of us pulled apart. His hair was still a bit damp, from what I could tell. Denis and I went back to our hotel room.

*Blaze's P.O.V*

Both of my dads went back to their hotel room. I love having two dads. It's worth risking the one parent rule so that they could be together. I just have to keep their relationship a secret.

"You love having two dads, don't you?" Sam asked, as he sat next to me.

"Yes, I absolutely love it," I answered.

"What happens when the government finds out that you have two parents?" he asked.

"I'll be taken away," I answered, sadly, "But that won't happen if we keep their relationship a secret. I don't want to talk about being taken away."

"Sorry for bringing it up," he apologised.

"It's fine," I replied, smiling, "You were curious. Just make sure no one finds out about that their relationship." He gave me a thumbs up. We continued to watch Geordie Shore. When it was finished, we decided to pull a prank on James and Cameron. We allowed my dads to be apart of the prank. We managed to find some balloons conveniently laying around. We filled some of the balloons with water and walked into James's and Cameron's hotel room. We all managed to hide in different spots. Well, both of my dads hid the same spot, it was me and Sam that hid in different spots. Sam was the first one to throw his water balloon. He threw his at Cameron and it hit him on his shoulder. Both of dads threw their water balloons at Cameron's back. I was waiting for James to come into the room. As if right on cue, James came into the room. I threw my water balloon at my him and it hit him directly in the face. The rest of us cracked up laughing. Both of my dads gave me a high five for hitting James directly in the face with the water balloon. Even James was laughing. I went to get a towel for James and Cameron. They thanked me and they dried themselves.

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