Father Daughter Dance

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*Blaze's P.O.V*

Today went fast because before I knew it, I was getting ready for the father daughter dance. I was wearing a white, short-sleeved buttoned shirt, black skinny jeans and black vans. Dad was wearing a white shirt with small blue dots on it, black jeans that were ripped at the knees and his black vans. The first few buttons of his shirt were undone. That's dad for me. 

"You ready kid?" he asked. 

"Yeah," I answered, childishly. He chuckled a little and we got into the car. He started the car and started driving to the school. Its going to be awesome, especially since dad is coming too. But, it's also nerve wrecking because I'll be dancing with him. When we reached the school, dad parked in the parking lot and we got out of the car. We made our way onto the school grounds. Dad was immediately greeted by Mr Hart (the principal) and Ms Johnson, who is my teacher. They shook dad's hand. 

"Hey Mr Ben Bruce, it's so nice to finally meet you," Ms Johnson exclaimed, while twirling her hair with her index finger. Wait, she doesn't know that dad likes Denis and not girls. But dad made me swear I wouldn't tell anyone. 

"We heard so much about you," Mr Hart added, "Your daughter has been a very good student. Before you head to the gym, where dancing will be happening, we have something to show you." 

"It's nothing bad, is it?" dad asked. 

"No, it's nothing bad," Ms Johnson answered, "It's actually quite cute the way Blaze has done it." What was Mr Hart and Ms Johnson talking about? Dad and I followed Ms Johnson and Mr Hart to  the class room. Ms Johnson pointed to something that was pointed to the wall. It was the assignment that I did for English. My class had to do an assignment where we had to write about who was out biggest hero and why. Most people in my class did their favourite superhero like Batman or Spiderman. Dad started to read what I had wrote. 

"Most of the kids in the class started to write about their favourite superhero, like Batman or Spiderman" Ms Johnson explained, "But, Blaze rebelled against the people who did choose a superhero and instead, she wrote about you." I became a bit shy when dad continued to read what I wrote. In my assignment, I basically wrote how I felt about him as a dad. Dad was smiling. Either because he might be judging me for what I wrote or he generally likes it. He started patting my back. I think he generally likes it. 

"That's cute," dad said, smiling wider. Once Mr Hart and Ms Johnson talked to dad, dad and I walked to the gym. There was a lot of kids in my year with their dads. When we walked in, a slow song started. Every kid and their dad started slow dancing. Dad and I got into the slow dancing position and we started slow dancing like everyone. It was kinda awkward. Not only because it was I was slow dancing with my dad, it was awkward because he is 6 foot 1 and I'm only 5 foot 4. But, he's my dad. He's supposed to be taller than me. We got the occasional weird look, mainly because I wasn't wearing a dress like every other girl in my year. I ignored it though. After the slow song, a different song came on. Everyone started dancing like crazy. Dad seemed to be surprised about what the song was. It was Here I Am by Asking Alexandria. 

"Did you request this song by any chance?" he asked, in my ear so I could hear him. 

"I might of requested it," I answered, in his ear so he could hear me. I smiled cheekily. I heard him chuckle slightly. We started to dance to every other song that the DJ played. The father daughter dance ended around midnight. Dad and I were both tired. The father daughter dance was awesome though. Dad and I danced our butts off. We got into the car and he started driving back home. Dad seemed more tired than me because he was yawning every few minutes. He parked the car in the driveway and we got out of the car. We walked inside and we found that Denis had crashed on the couch in the lounge room. Dad was blushing. 

"Dad, you're blushing," I exclaimed. 

"Shut up," he replied, chuckling, "Go to bed, it's midnight." 

"Ok dad," I said, following his order. I went to my bedroom and got changed into my pyjamas and put my clothes in the dirty laundry pile. Dad's doing laundry tomorrow. I went back to my bedroom and laid down on my bed. 

*Ben's P.O.V*

Blaze had fallen asleep. The father daughter dance was awesome. Blaze and I danced our butts off. It was a good day. Denis had crashed on the couch in the lounge room. I found it cute. I got a spare blanket from my closet and walked back to the lounge room. I put the blanket over Denis. The blanket went from his feet up to his chest. I turned the TV and the light off. 

"Thanks Ben," I heard Denis say, sleepily. I stopped at the door of the lounge room and smiled a little. 

"You're welcome, Denis," I said back. I walked to my bedroom and stripped down to my boxers. I laid down on my bed. It was taking me a while to fall asleep. It normally takes me a minute to fall asleep. This normally happens when Denis is around. Whenever Denis isn't staying the night, I normally fall asleep quite fast. But, when Denis is staying the night, it takes me a while to fall asleep. I think it involves my crush on Denis. My crush on Denis has gotten bigger on him over the past few months. Only Blade knows about my crush on him though. 

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