How Did They Find Out

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*Ben's P.O.V*

Every band has performed and every tour bus has started moving to Dallas, which was our next destination. Denis was giving Blaze a piggyback ride up and down the tour bus. Denis, Blaze and I have discussed what Blaze is going to call us. She's going to call me dad and she's going to call Denis, батько (pronounce: bat'ko), which is the Ukrainian word for father. I watched Denis with Blaze on his back going up  and down the bus when my phone vibrated. I put in my password and looked at the text. It was from a unknown number.

Unknown: We know you and Denis are together. Once you've reached Dallas, we'll be taking Blaze away from you.

I looked at the text over and over again.

Ben: Who are you and what are you talking about?

Unknown: I'm the king of the England. 

Shit. Someone must of told him that Denis and I had gotten together.

"Who told?" I asked. Denis and Blaze looked at me, confused.

"What are you talking about?" Blaze asked.

"Who told that Denis and I were together?" I asked.

"Dad, you know I wouldn't do that," she answered, "I cross my heart and hope to die, I didn't do it." Denis put Blaze back onto the ground.

Ben: How do you know?

King: My men hacked into the meet and greet room security cameras. We saw you and Denis getting together. When Warped reaches Dallas, we'll being taking Blaze away from you and Denis.

Great, just great. The day Denis and I get together, Blaze has to be taken away the next day. Just what I need in my life. I don't want Blaze to be taken away. I sighed. Blaze sat next to me and I showed her the text messages. I could see the tears in her eyes. I turned to face her and hugged her. She hugged my arm. I felt her tears drop onto my arms. Awe, she's crying. I don't blame her. She's been living with me her whole life and she's now about to be taken away. I pulled away from her and wiped the tears from her face.

"Blaze, I'm not going to let them take you away," I told her, "I'm not going to let them take you away from the only home and family you've ever known."

"I don't wanna live with another family," she replied.

"Don't worry," I exclaimed, "I won't let it happen under my watch." A few more tears ran down her face. Denis sat on the opposite of Blaze and hugged her tightly. I could tell that he didn't want her to go either. I joined in the hug and it became a family hug.

"I love you dad," Blaze said, "I love you батько (father)."

"I love you too," Denis and I replied. I really hope Denis and I can convince the king to let Blaze have two parents. She hugged us both.

*Denis's P.O.V*

I cant' believe the king found out that Ben and I are together. Plus the fact that they're going to take Blaze away. Blaze was in her bunk while Ben and I were trying to figure out how we're going to keep Blaze as our own child.

"We could hide Blaze somewhere in the tour bus," I suggested, "Or in another band tour bus."

"We could do that," Ben replied, "But, they'll search every tour bus and eventually find her."

"Good point," I replied. James, Sam and Cameron tried help as well. They didn't want Blaze to be taken away either. I went to check on Blaze as Sam, Cameron, James and Ben continued to discuss ideas. Since Blaze's bunk was above Cameron's bunk, I used his bunk as a step to help me climb up to Blaze's bunk. Once I got onto her bunk, I sat beside her. She was something on her MacBook. She was watching the music video for 'Let It Sleep'. I put my hand on her back and she jumped a little. She pulled her headphones out of her ears and smiled a little.

"Sorry if I scared you," I apologised.

"It's fine," she replied, smiling more widely. She hugged me tightly. I hugged her tightly back and kissed the top of her forehead. I guess I'm afraid losing her. Even though I'm her second dad, I'm still afraid of losing her. After she went through so much just to get Ben and I together, with the help of Sam.  We pulled apart after a minute or two.

"I love you kid," I said.

"I love you too батько (father)," she replied.

"Don't worry," I continued, "Your dad, the guys and I trying to figure out a way we can keep you."

"Good, because I don't want to leave this family," she exclaimed. I chuckled at her respond. I jumped down from her bunk and I could see in her eyes that she wanted to follow. I held out my hand just in case if she wanted to come down. She took hold of my hand and jumped down from her bunk. She thanked me for helping her down. We walked to where Ben and the guys were. They were still in the same spot from when I left. Blaze walked up to Ben and hugged him. He smiled slightly and hugged her back. I could tell that he was the most upset about the government taking Blaze away. I then had a idea.

"Ben, I have an idea," I said. Ben, Blaze and the guys looked at me.

"What's you idea?" Ben asked.

"When the king comes to Dallas," I answered, "We say to him or her that they're literally taking Blaze away from the only home and family she's ever known."

"That's actually not a bad idea," he replied, "Ok, we've got our plan for tomorrow." We all agreed that was our plan for tomorrow. We might not lose Blaze after all. That's if the king will listen to what we have to say. Hopefully the king will listen and come to his or her senses and lets Blaze with us. All we can do is now hope.

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