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*Blaze's P.O.V*

Night had fallen and everyone was going to their beds to fall asleep. Well, I wasn't going to sleep. I waited to Phoebe left. She closed the door behind her and that was my cue to start packing me things. I quickly changed into my custom made shirt that dad's mum gave me, my black ripped skinny jeans and my black high tops. Once I packed both of my bags, I quickly opened the window and jumped through the window. I landed perfectly on my feet. I saw a security camera near the roof and it was pointed straight at me. I turned to completely face the security camera, put the bag that I was holding and flipped the camera off. I saw a security guard pointing her flash light at me. She had a German Shepard and a Rottweiler beside her. 

"What are you doing outside?" she asked. 

"I'm escaping," I answered. 

"No you're not," she replied. 

"Watch me," I exclaimed, smirking. I quickly grabbed the bag that was on the ground and started sprinting. I heard the dogs barking. I heard the security guard unleash the dogs. The security guard and her dogs started chasing me. Great, just what I need. To escape the security guard and her dogs, I'll need to take every sharp turn I can. I took every sharp turn I could, but I couldn't lose the security guard and her dogs. I heard the dogs getting closer and closer. There was one thing I could do to lose them. I started sprinting even faster and ran off the track. I quickly hide behind a tree. I heard the security guard's and the dogs' footsteps continue running on the track. Finally, I outran them. I slowly got my breath back before continuing running to find a way back to Warped Tour. It's going to be a long night of searching. 

*Ben's P.O.V* 

I was staring into space when Denis came into room. 

"Ben, there's something I need to show you," he said. I got up from the bed and followed him to the lounge. He pressed play on the remote and the news played. 

"Breaking news," the reporter said, "Blaze has escaped from Playground Orphan Home. It is said that she had escaped a few minutes ago through the window. Here is the surveillance footage of her escape." 

*Surveillance Footage* 

It starts with Blaze in her bed. There was a sound of a door shutting. Blaze got out of bed and put on the custom made shirt that Ben's mum gave her, black ripped skinny jeans and black high top shoes. She packed her bags, opens the window and goes through the open window. The camera then switches to the outside security camera. Blaze lands on both of her feet. She looked up at the camera and put one bag on the ground. She flipped the camera off. A bright light shone on Blaze. 

"What are you doing outside?" someone asked. 

"I'm escaping," Blaze answered. 

"No you're not," the same person replied. 

"Watch me," Blaze exclaimed, smirking. She grabbed her bag that was on the ground and started sprinting. There was a sound of someone unleashing two dogs. It turned out to be a security guard with a German Shepard and a Rottweiler. The security guard and the dogs started chasing Blaze. 

*End Of Surveillance Footage*

"That's all the surveillance footage we have," the reporter said, "Tune in when we have more on the story." Wait, what? Blaze escaped from the orphanage? And she's possibly still being chased by the security and the two dogs? I think I know why she escaped. She wants to come back to Denis and I. But, how would they know that's Blaze?

*Blaze's P.O.V* 

I managed to find a road. I knew the road could lead me to Warped Tour. Or at least closer to Warped Tour. I had to get there before they left for the next destination. No matter how tired I get, I have to keep going. I kept on following the road and the street lights. I have to keep going. For dad and батько (father). A few cars drove past as I ran. I got to a crossroad. I waited until it was safe to run across. I continued to run until a branch from a tree cut a deep cut into my left arm. Blood poured  out my arm. Shit. The pain became almost unbearable. I can't worry about that now. I've got to keep going. I kept on running. Every once in a while, someone would ask if they needed to take me to a hospital. I declined every time and asked if they knew the way to Warped Tour. Everyone I asked didn't know the way to Warped. That's just fucking great. I came along to a sign saying "Warped Tour, 3 miles away". Good. Since I've been running the whole night, I started to slowly down to a jog. Blood still was pouring out of my arm. Not as much, though. But, I think the lack of blood is slowing me down and it's making me feel weak. Every stop I took, I was shaking and I would feel like collapsing. If the "one parent" rule didn't exist, none of this would've happen. From what I could see, I could see the Warped Tour buses from where I was standing. The sun started rising. Great. That means the tour buses are going to be leaving in a few minutes. I tried to run as fast as I could to the top buses. There was a a giant fence around the tour buses. Now I need to find a way. I looked all around to find a entrance. I eventually found a entrance that was guarded by two tall security guards. I could see dad and батько (father) walking to the Asking Alexandria tour bus. I tried to walked pass the security, but they didn't allow me through. 

"You're not allowed in ma'am," one security guard said. 

"But, my dad is right there," I replied, weakly pointing to dad. 

"Right," the other security exclaimed sarcastically. батько (father) had walked in to the tour bus. Dad stopped before he entered the tour bus. He had a sad look on his face. I have to let him know that I'm here. I know one way to get his attention. 

"DAD!" I yelled, with all the strength I had left.

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