Blaze Is Back

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*Ben's P.O.V* 

"DAD!" I heard someone yelled. The voice sounded familiar. It sounded like Blaze's voice. I looked around to see where the voice came from. I looked over at the security guards near the back entrance, and standing right there, was Blaze. I can't believe she's standing right there. She pushed the security guards hands away and she ran up to me. I picked her up and hugged her tightly. I heard her silent cries. I put her back on her the ground and wiped her tears with my thumb. Denis came out of the tour bus.

"Ben, what's taking you so-" he didn't even finish his sentence when he saw Blaze. He ran up to her and gave her a bear hug. Blaze went from silently crying to laughing within a few seconds. It was then I noticed her deep cut on her left forearm. I touched it slightly and flinched when I did touch it. 

"How did you get this cut?" I asked. 

"A tree branch," she answered, "Slight warning, I've lost a lot of blood when it happened." Now that I think about, she does look a little pale. Denis put her back on the ground and she stumbled. Denis and I quickly got her into the tour bus and got the Warped tour nurse. Denis sat Blaze down on his bunk and the both us sat beside her. The Warped nurse kneeled in front Blaze  and started to disinfect the cut. Blaze surprisedly handled it well. She only had tap out twice because it got unbearable. Once the nurse disinfected the wound, she started to stitch up the wound, which sounds more painful than it looks. Harrison came to see what was happening. He looked a bit shocked to see Blaze's arm covered in blood. Blaze had started mumbling the lyrics to Second And Sebring by Of Mice & Men. Well, she was more gritting it through her teeth. It's what she does when pain becomes unbearable. The nurse stitched in the final stitch and Blaze relaxed a little. 

"Dad, who's this?" Harrison asked. Blaze looked up at him and raised a eyebrow. I explained to Harrison and he seemed to understand. He seemed to be a bit jealous about Blaze though. The Warped tour nurse gave Blaze a cookie to make sure that she doesn't faint. Blaze took the cookie and said thank you to the nurse. Blaze started nibbling the cookie. 

"Do I get a cookie?" Harrison asked. 

"Not to sound mean Harrison," the Warped nurse answered, "But, you didn't get stitches." He looked back at Blaze, who was still nibbling the cookie. I told Harrison to back up as Denis and I helped her up to her bunk. Denis got up onto her bunk and hugged her tightly. I guess he missed her as much as I did. From the corner of my eye, I could see Harrison clutching his fist ever so slightly. I looked over at him. 

"Harrison, no," I said, "Unclench your fists, now." He unclenched his fist and backed up bit. I told him to go back to his bunk, which was at the back of the tour bus. He did what he was told and went back to his bunk. I looked back over to Blaze. She didn't really look pale anymore. Plus, she started acting like her old self again. 

*Blaze's P.O.V* 

I have no idea who the other kid was. I think the king gave dad and батько (father) a replacement child. I was deep into the thought when dad clicked his fingers in my ears. I looked directly at him as I continued nibbling my cookie. He was explaining to me that since I was running all night, I should get some sleep. батько (father) got down from my bunk so I could lay down. I laid down on my bunk and dad closed the bunk curtain. I pulled the blanket up to my shoulder and rolled to my side. I still had half of my cookie. I took a few more bites of the cookie before it was gone. I closed my eyes and managed to quickly fell asleep. 

*Denis P.O.V*

I checked up on Blaze a few minutes ago and she was fast asleep. I went into the small lounge room where Ben was. He seemed to be very happy that Blaze is back. I got to admit, I'm very happy to see her too. I'm glad she's back. Even though she had to run all night to get here and she got a deep cut along the way. But, I'm still glad she's back though. 

"Is she asleep?" Ben asked. 

"Yeah, she's asleep," I answered, as I stood beside him, "I'm just surprised that she ran all the way back here. I mean, I'm happy she's back, but, she risked getting caught just to come back to us." 

"I don't blame her," he replied, "I really mean it when I say that we were the only family that raised her since I found her on the streets as a baby. I was her father her whole life before we got together." Awe. We talked about how happy we were that Blaze was back. Ben pointed out that we would have to tell James, Sam and Cameron when we got to the next destination. We arrived at the destination within a hour and half. Since Blaze was still asleep, I gently carried her into the hotel. Ben got her bags and walked with me to the hotel. Luckily, Ben and I got out of the tour bus before James, Sam and Cameron did. They still don't know that Blaze is back yet. Ben got the room key and we got to our hotel room. I gently put Blaze on a bed in one of the bedrooms and Ben put her bags next to the bed. We left the room and closed the door, just so we didn't accidentally wake her up. James and Harrison got share a room as Sam and Cameron shared a different. James, Cameron and Sam are going to be surprised when they find out that Blaze is back.

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