Chapter 21

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---Caitlyns POV---

I woke up on Nialls shoulder, he ws still sleeping though. I got up to make breakfast for us Pancakes and Nutella. Yummy! I opened the cuboard to get the ingredients when I heard something coming from upstairs, I dont think anyone would be here, I locked the doors and its only me who lives here. I let it go and continued geting things from the cuboards but then I heard a loud thud come from upstairs. I looked over at Niall and he must have woken up by the noise

"Is here someone upstairs?"He wispered.

"Uhh, not that I know off."

"Ill go check it out.." He got up and walked towards the stairs. "Uhmm, can I bring a knife?"

"Uuuhh, yeah sure, go ahead" I was a bit scared now because if it was a burglarer he could be armed, I slowley followed Niall upstairs and we stopped at the guest room where the noise was coming from.

"Whos in there?" Niall shouted


Niall looked at me in confusion.

"Maybe its a cat that got in?"

"Just open it."

We were trying to be really really quiet. Niall slowly opened the door and put the knife in he air. He jumped into the room ready for who ever was there and we were suprised to find it was a very drunk Harry who had past out in my guest room. Dont ask why, but I have know idea how or why he is here.

"Uhmm, Why is he here?"

"No idea"

Niall was silent, I hope he doesn't think me and Harry have something going on.. Because we most deffonatly do not.

"Hazza? You still with us?"

Niall still didn't say anything I just tried to wake harry up while he just stood there.

"Caitlyn, how long has he been here?.."

"I don't know, maybe he came in when we were sleeping?"

"Or.. he was here before I even got here." He asumed.

"What? no, No way! I don't even know how he got in." I was surprisingly calm.

"Then why is there beer bottles everywhere? Theres no way he could have drank all these by himself. "

"Niall. I did not invite him over here, he proberly bought a few drinks and crashed here for the night."

"Okay..."After that he didn't say anything he just helped me put Harry onto the bed. We went downstairs and sat down.

"Film?" I asked, trying to brighten the mood.

"Sure, ill run to the shop to get some munchies. Be right back love" and he gave me a kiss on my head. I opened my DVD box that had all my DVDs in it, I had lots of them. I looked through all them..

"Fast and furious! yeah lets watch that!" I jumped cause it wasn't me who said that.

"Your awake Harry, thought you'd never get up! Howd you get in here?"

"uhmm, can't remember, I got wasted and must have crashed here."

"Ohhh, Niall is away to get munchies, want to join us?"


I went into the kitchen to check on my pancakes. Burnt. Ugh seriously..

I was about to run into harry and say that the pancakes burnt but we met each other half way in the hall when I accidentally bumped into him and fell on top of him! Im so clumsy.

---Nialls POV---

I guess harry must have let himself in, but its something he would do. Steal a girl from me. I bet he and Caitlyn are actually dating and Connor was a cover up and im just wasting my time. No niall, dont think like that. Caitlyn is most likely telling the truth, I quickly grabbed a few chocolates and lemonade, paid and went to Caitlyns quick, I had the key so I didnt buzz, When I opened Caitlyns door I didn't expect to see Caitlyn on top of harry. ugh, I knew I was right. I threw the food on the floor and stormed out, my eyes threatening to spill, I thought she loved me? if she did why was she all over Harry?

"Niall!! wait! its not what it looks like! I swear!" Caitlyn cried.

It felt terrible leaving caitlyn crying, maybe shes right? but right now I need some time alone.

--Caitlyns POV---

That was proberly the worst time Niall could have came in. I just fell over Harry, I guess he didn't see it that way, I was still crying and Harry was hugging me telling me that he'll sort it out. but I have turned Niall down too many times, he'll never forgive me, not that I did anything wrong!

"I will talk to him caitlyn,  he's just over reacting. Don't worry."

When Harry left I just cried on the sofa, I hugged the pillow and cried myself to sleep.. I honestly love Niall, He just has to beleive me that nothing is going on between me and harry.

Chapter 21 everybody:) Not sure if I should get something going with Harry and Caitlyn;) Vote and comment:)

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Okay so, I just wrote a REALLY REALLY long chapter.... and my friend 'accidentally' deleted it -_- Plus, I was reading the Fanfic from the start and I relaised its complete shit. I might just delete it and try to make a better one? I was reading chapter one and i was like 'Well that escalated quickly..'

Tell me what you guys think:)

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