Chapter 1

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It was a normal day for me, a 16 year old girl, living with her over protective parents and going to her horrible school.. My name is Caitlyn Murphy and I live in London, And on the 16th of December my life had changed big time!..

Caitlyns POV

I wasn't really watching where I was going because I was texting my best friend Jordan,

Me:Heey:) Wua?

Jordan:Nm:) just out with my amazing Boyfrienddd;)

I wouldnt call Jack her boyfriend. . He has cheated on her three times but each time she forgives him! it's ridiculous! He is such a prick! He is constantly getting her upset, but the next day she acts as if nothing happened! Im getting tired of him Underestimating MY best friend..


Jordan:He has really changed caitlyn..

She says that EVERY time..

Me:Okay whatever, hey when you're done I have a suprise for you:) Come to my house later:) Byee gtg x

Jordan:Oooooh im excited! I'll call for you in half an hour xx byeee

As I was putting my phone in my pocket, Some guy grabbed my rist

"Hey let me see your phone for a second" He Demanded.

"No! What the fuck!? get of me!"I screamed

No one was even doing anything! They just simply walked past without noticing anything.

"Lets go back to my house;)" He said slyly

And he pushed me into an ally as he kicked me.. He tried to rape me..

"HELP! HELP!" I screamed

I was so dizzy I must have whacked my head of the floor, Because shortly after, I blacked out But just before I did I saw a Boy -About the same age as me, maybe a bit older- He grabbed the man and threw him back smashing his head to the ground, then he came over to me

"Are you okay!?"

I didn't answer, I couldn't answer!

Somthing was happening I didnt know what it was

"Helloo?" He cooed

And then I blacked out.

********************A few hours later*******************

I woke up in a strange room.. mostly white, and I had a strange uncomfortable dress on and I felt like my head was about to expload.

"Hey Caitlyn" A half whispered voice said...

"Jordan?" I cried

I Turned around and saw my best friend red and puffy eyed I could tell she was crying alot, She enveloped me into I giant hug

"You remember me! Thank god, you remember me.." She wispered

How could I not remember her? Wait.... then I thought for a second.. I was beaten in an ally.. some stranger, rescued me? Right? I looked on the other side of the bed and there was a guy, Blond eyes....

"Hi.. You okay?." He asked

Irish accent..It couldnt be.. could it? Niall James Horan.

"N-Niall?"I choked.

He smiled a little,

"Yeah, thats my name dont wear it out" He laughed

"Wh-what are you doing.. the hospital.. with me?"I asked blankly

"Well... I saw a man beating someone in an ally, I thought it was some teenager had gotten into trouble or somthing... So I went over and grabbed him, kicked him once.. and he ran off!" He laughed. "Then I saw a young beautiful girl lying on the ground I asked you if u were okay but you didnt answer, then u blacked out.."

Okay, thats completely normal. Niall Horan from one direction rescued me from a demented rapist... Yeah, cause that happens everyday..

Then the doctor came in..

"You have severe concussion because you fell over so fast, and a few stiches but other than that, you are okay.. you can leave in two days" he said politely, "your parents are in L.A, so they are making their way home."

Wait, L.A? what? why?" I stuttered.

"um, they said something about visiting your grandma?"

Oh yes, my mom is from L.A so she must have been visiting her mom.

So just 2 more days in the hospital, Thank god Nialls here.

But will he stay here, with me? Or go and I'll never see him again...






--------End of chapter 1! My first chapter of my first book! Second chapter will be up very soon, Vote and comment!:D Sorry its not very good, im trying to get better at writing books, if you have any advice, feel free to leave it in the comments!:)--------

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