Chapter 13

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All 8 of us sat in the small overcrowded room, telling jokes, playing cards and just having fun,. me and Niamh have grown quite close, She told me that she has a Big sister called Erin, a dog called jessie and that she lived in Ireland until she was 12 then she moved here, She one of my bestfriends now and me Niamh and Niall get a lot of support from Fans managment and police to catch the other two kidnappers who have yet to be tracked down..

I still dont know what Niall was going to say... he started it off like.. "I was involved with the k-" Kebabs? Kangaroo? Kelly? who knows? I will talk to him later properly.

"So Niamh.... Tell us about your family.. Have you got a Boyfriend?"Louis asked.

"Um.. no I dont have a boyfriend.."

"Would you like one?"

"Louissss! leave her alone"I said

"Im just asking! just cause.. ya'know Im single" he winked and Niamh and she blushed like mad. We all laughed except Louis

"Guys im being serious! I think Niamhs amazing"

"Cheesey alery cheesey overload" I said through fake coughs

we all laughed again until Niall stopped us..

"Guys can I speak to Caitlyn alone for a sec?"

"Sure......... dont forget protection kids!"Louis shouted on his way out.

"Oh shutup louisss!!"I shouted after him.

Niall sat down on the bed beside me, he looked so scared and worried..

"Um.... I need to tell you something.... I.. I"

--------Nialls POV-------

I must tell her, I cant hold it in any longer.

"Um.... I need to tell you something....I.. l was involved with the kidnapping...."

I saw her face go from rosy red to ice white. She was about to burst out and scream at me but before she could I stopped her.

"Please. Just let me explain... A bunch of men saw us hugging and kissing in the street when I was leaving you home.. they followed us to your house, when I was walking home they stopped me.. the told me that if I dont bring you to the place we were kidnapped they would go to your house and kill you and everyone I loved... I thought, it would be better to be kidnapped than to lose the girl I love more than anything. And I swear Caitlyn I had no idea that they were going to rape you, I swear."

She was still ice white, she didnt move, I was so worried about what she would say, Would she hate me? I love her so much I can't loose her..

"Get out."She said firmly.

"Wh-what? No Caitlyn dont do this I love you more than anything in this world, If I didnt domit you and my family and friends would all be dead!"


I did as she said tears streaming down my face as I ran out, Shes never going to speak to me again..

"Niall mate, whats wrong? I heard Caitlyn shouting, what happened?" I heard Zayn say

"N-nothing, I-I just messed u-up" I was hyperventilating I couldn't breathe good thing I was in the hospital I thought I might have passed out..

"Mate, its obviously more than that, tell us. Its okay."By now all the boys were crowded around me.

"No. Just tell Caitlyn that I love her.. And im forever hers"I walked out of the hospital and grabbed a cab, The boys didnt follow me. I just wanted to go back to the Hotel... And be alone.

--------Zayns POV------

Somethings not right...

"Guys, hes pretty shaken up.. I wouldn't leave him alone in the hotel room, Hes upset, he could get drunk and do something stupid... Or go back to his old habits.."

Everyone knew what I meant.. About two years ago his girlfriend cheated on him and he started going out alot more and getting very drunk, Then one day I caught him Cutting himself in the bathroom, he had been doing it for a while but none of us realised...

"Hes right, I will go home and check on him."Louis proposed.

----------Nialls POV------

as soon as I got in I knew exactly what I was going to do.

I went to the bathroom and looked around for a razor, Aha! Got one,

I sat down in the corner of the room and sliced my rist.. The blood oozed out.. I felt much better, I kept cutting myself until I realised how deep I had went oh no.. I started to get dizzy... this is what I wanted right? To go to heaven, I deserved to die. what I did to Caitlyn was wrong. I should be punished I was accepting it. I was dying, right here, right now. But then I thought of the fans.... They would do the same... Oh no... Maybe I shouldn't... I heard the door open and I heard louis calling my name..

"Niall?, Niall where are you?Ni-" He walked into the bathroom "Niall! What the fuck?! Hello? Niaaaall??" I blacked out after that.

-----------Louis POV---------

I walked around the hotel room shouting Nialls name, when I walked into the bathroom I wasn't expecting to find him, lying there in a dase.. In a pool of his own blood

"Niall! What the fuck?!"

He looked sleepy, or high... Oh no hes going to black out soon I bet.

"Helloooo? Niallll? Stay awake Mate" But he disnt, he dropped his head and closed his eyes... Tears fell down my cheeks, is he dead?

I got out my phone to ring Liam.


"LIAM! I-its n-Niall, h-he is unconscious. . he cut himself really really deep, I dont even know if hes alive" I completely lost my manlyhood and let it all out, Niall's like a brother to me, He cant die! Hes a really good singer, all the fans love him!

"Oh my god, Phone an ambulance ASAP" He said, his voice was all shakey.

I hung up and did as he said




I felt his pulse....





---Omg! Nialls dead! Will the paramedics save him? Maybe, maybe not.-----

P.s to anyone who has cut/Thinking about it, Dont do it there are people out here who love you, and there is people who are in a far worse place than you. stay strong:) I love everyone who reads this:D

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