Chapter 20

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-----Caitlyns POV-----

Tonight is the night I break it off with connor, We weren't even dating anyway,  he knew my plan to make Niall Jealous. It was a terrible choice I made, im so foolish. I picked up my phone and searched through my contacts for Connor.

ring ring, ring ring.


"Hey Connor, I just was ringing you cause, Uhm well, I dont think the plan is working, im just not doing this anymore okay?"

"uhm, yeah okay.. soo you're breaking up with me sorta?"

"Yes, sorry."

"Oh, okay then.. Bye, Oh I hope we can still be friends, cause we were always like best friends weren't we?"

As much as I thought this was a really bad idea, I said Yes. as soon as I hung up I rang Niall, I wasn't sure what he was going to do or say but I rang him anyways,  I just wanted to tell him I was sorry and I over reacted..

ring ring, ring ring.

"Hi, Uhm Caitlyn."

"Hey Niall"

"Whats up?"

"Aahh, do you want to come over to my place? We need to talk."

"Oh, okay sure, be over in ten minutes."

"Kay, Bye"


-----Nialls POV----

Well that doesn't happen every day. When I saw Caitlyns nametag on my phone when she rang me I was confuzzled, she never rings me, especially lately. I grabbed my keys and my coat and went out to the car. What if she wants to tell me that she is leaving town, or shes dying or som- Dont talk shit Niall. She is maybe calling me over to apologise or something,  but shes not the one who has to be sorry. I have to apologise.  Maybe she is going to tell me that she wants to still be friends, I cant do that, I couldnt watch her have a husband and kids of her own and im not there to support her..

I pulled up outside her apartment block and jumped out of the car. I buzzed apartment number 25 and she let me in. When I was in the lift a woman and what im assuming was her daughter walked in and joined me.

"Niall horan?" The little girl said, she must have only been about 5 or 6.

"Hello" I smiled.

"Can I have an autograph please?" She said excitedly

"Sure honey whats your name?"


"Hello Lizzy and how old are you?" I asked as I signed her little one direction book that she just happened to have.

"Im 5"

"Oooh your going to be a big girl soon yeah?"

"Yeah!" She cheered, when the elevator door opened I was quite relieved because i don't think her mom knew who I was, she just stared at me..

I walked to Caitlyns door and knocked three times, then she answered


"Hey Niall"

She led me in and I sat down on the sofa, This is my first time seeing her house because when we were talking, she lived with her parents,

"Tea or coffee?"

"Uhhmm, Tea please."

While she went into the kitchen I took the chance to look around a bit, I looked at the fireplace, and it was so warm and homely looking,  when I looked at the photographs on the shelf I saw one of her and her parents then one of her with niamh, Anna, Rhiannon and Katrina, then I saw one of her and me. Why did she still have a picture of us in her house? I picked it up and studied it, the frame was pink and white and it had hearts all around it, on the back it said me and nialls first date. Maybe she still loves me.. she told me in Jacks house that she loved me.. She blushes every time I compliment her, she laughs at my jokes even when theyre not funny.. Maybe she called me over here to tell me that she loves me!

----Caitlyns POV----

I dont really know why I called Niall but what I want to make clear is that im not seeing Connor anymore. If im honest I really love Niall but I dont know if I'll ever trust him again.. When I walked into the living room with me and Nialls tea, He was holding the photo of us and running his finger around it. shit! I forgot to put it away, great ill look really desperate now.


"Oh, sorry,  I was just uhm, looking at the photo."

"So I see" I laughed

He put the photo back on the shelf and sat down on the sofa beside me. This is going to be awkward. I slurped my tea to decrease the awkward silence.

"So... whats up?" He started

"Uhm.. Nothing much, I just wanted to..uhmm.."

"Wait, let me say something first.." I had no idea where he was going with this but okay.  "Caitlyn, I love you.. I have loved you since I saw you in that ally and them few days we spent together in the hospital were proberly the best days of my life.. I have and will always love you. When I saw you and Connor at Niamhs party, my heart just shattered to a million peices. Call me cheesy but I dont care, you just had to know that."

I was speechless of course I love him but I wasn't expecting him to tell me all this. He must have seen my expression and got a bit worried.

"Well, say something.." He pleaded.

I just completely broke down in front of him I felt so weak "I l-Love you too.."I blurted out. We ran over to eachother and cried and told eachother things

"Im s-so sorry" He cried. "I'll never do it again I-i promise" We just stood there and hugged and cried, I love him so much, this is what I wanted this felt right. We finnally lay down on the sofa and continued hugging.

I soon fell asleep on his shoulder..

Wow, its been a while since I've updated!

Chapter 20!:D 215 reads! I know thats not a lot compared to the big books that get thousands of reads but I never thought I would get over 50 reads! Thank you guys,

Although I only have 29 votes im going to continue writing this book:)

P.S sorry for any spelling mistakes im typing this out on my tablet.

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