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"Fag alert!"

I look up to see where that voice came from. It was Oli. Apparently, dying your hair pink makes you gay, but Xander doesn't care.

Oli keeps on with his taunts, the whole class joins in. Frustrated, I yelled, "FOR FUCK'S SAKE, STOP BULLYING HIM. HE ACTUALLY LOOKS NICE."

Just I say this, Mrs. Gomez comes in the class, everyone settles down. Xander has took the seat beside me. 'Ooh-la-la.'

"Uh, thanks for sticking up for me."


Somewhere in the middle of the lesson, I find myself staring at him. Xander George Keats. His hair, his messy, pink hair, his fringe complimenting his blue eyes. They were the colour of the ocean, which is beautiful. He has freckles on his slender face, his jawline sharp. He's utterly gorgeous.

He's reading a book underneath his desk. 'Bad boys are charming.' I smile to myself. In a few minutes, he's reached the end of his book, and he takes out another book. If that ain't the most attractive thing.

I manage to get a glimpse of the title of the second book. It's called "How to kill yourself in 101 ways". That's disturbing.

When suddenly, I hear tapping. Jane passes Xander a note. He starts to read it. His cheeks now match his hair.

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