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I get to the library at 5:45. I guess I'm a bit too excited but it's Xander we're talking about. Everyday, I fall in love with him more and more. Before, I only liked him because he was gorgeous. Now that I'm getting to know him and his ways, my admiration for him has increased. Never have I ever met a more kind or sweet person, and it's a pity not everyone sees the light within him, and even more unfortunate that he doesn't know that he's this really amazing person that I have become completely infatuated with.

Xander arrives 5 minutes late, and that's okay. He apologises and then takes out his book and notebook. I open his notebook, and the first thing I see is this really dark sketch of someone crying and stressed out, surrounded by shadows of monsters.

"Ohh god, you weren't supposed to see that. It's very private. Wrong notebook. Ahhh, fuck me."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to look at your private stuff either."

"I guess it's okay, I don't know."

"Let's just continue studying, okay? I think that'll be best."

"Yes, thank you."

I choose to completely ignore the fact that there was some disturbing stuff there. It was art, and art is supposed to disturb you, it's supposed to make you feel something.

We keep studying for a long time, and after 4 hours, we're done. Xander keeps on thanking me for a long time and we fool around for a bit then. We go to the cafeteria where we buy coffee and French fries. When we're done eating, it's around 11 p.m. I need to get home. He needs to get home.

"I can't believe the day is over. I'm way past my curfew. I will be toast if I stay out any longer." I say.

"Same fam. Hey, how about this? I walk you home. Your house is only a 5 minute walk away from mine anyway." He suggests.

"I would really really like that." I agree.

We are skipping and jumping in puddles and screaming and making lame jokes and laughing. We sound like 5 years old. We even have a little race. I win, but I think that's because he let me.

In absolutely no time at all, we're at my front lawn. I don't want to go inside. I want to stay out with him forever. I want to be with him. I really really like him. I can't wait till tomorrow, even though I have no idea what will happen then.

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