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We're eating and chattering and not acting like how you should in such a fancy restaurant. After five minutes of laughing, we realise we are topicless. So in order to start up a new conversation, I say, "So tell me about yourself, I don't really know you, to be honest. Besides the fact that you're an absolute gentleman."

"You seriously don't want to know who I am underneath. You'll hate me then."

"It can't be that bad, I mean, are you a serial killer?" I giggle.

"Might as well be."

"Oooh, I'm so scared." I continue. "You know, nevermind that, let's talk about something else."

"Let's break the rules. Want to play something inappropriate?"

"Do I?"

"Bed, Wed, Behead?"


Xander convinces me to go first. I give him the three names, Brendon Urie, Harry Styles and Cara Delevigne.

"This isn't fair! All of those people are fairly hot and this is too hard to decide."

"Well, that's part of the game."

"Um, bed Brendon, wed Harry, and I'm so sorry Cara, I seriously do love her and all but I don't see myself doing that kind of stuff with her so I guess I'll have to behead her."

"Interesting choice." I remark.

He then gives me my names. This goes on until we're finished with our food. Now I am kind of tired with the game and I really can't think of more names. I tell him that. Turns out, he was thinking the same too.

In the car ride back home, he turns up the radio. We have sing-alongs and dramatic duets.  We're screaming and singing at the top of our voices. I hear this woman in the neighbouring car looking at us and laughing and saying we look cute.

But since it's inevitable that everything that's good comes to an end, our trip did too. He drops me outside my house. As he's seeing me off, he says, "Thank you, for today and for generally everything. You're always there for me and I owe you so much. No one has ever been this kind to me. Everyone treats me like shit in school, except you and Jane. So yeah, thanks."

"Hey, I'll always be here for you."



"You know you can expect the same from me too."

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