Day 7 (Dear ex-boyfriend/love/crush)

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Ugh... I'm home sick today. I'm so bored, and I miss everyone so much! Hope you all are having fun. Anyway, enough about me. Here's the letter!


Dear ex crushes,

Um.... Hello. There are quite a few of you that this letter could be to. But I guess, to save time, I'll just narrow it down to two or three people.

First... "It" or "Blue". Truthfully, I have no idea what the heck I ever saw in you. We barely ever talked, and according to Carter, you're not a nice person. And according to Grant, you're annoying, too. Huh... Really, what did I ever see in you? Did I like you just because of your looks? I'm gonna be honest. Whenever I pass you in the hall now, I just start cracking up. Why? Because I think to myself, 'How stupid could I have been?' It's true. I was stupid. Because I liked someone like you. You're really not attractive, and, if those two are right, you're mean and annoying. So I'm glad everything is now in the past.

But let's talk about someone nice now, shall we? 

Um... We never had a secret code name for this certain person. But I bet if you know me or the person well enough, then you'll probably know who I'm talking about. Well, to start off, let me just say, the first time we truly met... Well... I'll never forget it. After that happened, I had liked you for probably a week. Then you became an on-off kind of thing. Then finally, it "shut off" for a while. And then when I was so frustrated with a certain someone this year, I started to like you... Again.  And I feel horrible about it. I mean, it's not you! It was the nature of things... Me liking you when I told someone else I liked them... But really... You can't blame me for liking you. Because you're so hilarious, you're a genius, you're kind, honest... There are just so many good things about you. Even if I don't like you in that way anymore, you're still a great friend. Well, I mean, we aren't that close, but you have all the qualities a person could ever want in a friend. So someday I hope we can become better friends... One more thing, by the way.... I lost the game.

Anyway, I had so many people I could've written to. Truthfully... I could've written to about thirty guys. But I chose you two. One good, one bad. SO FEEL SPECIAL! Haha just kidding. All thirty of you were all very unique in your own way, whether it be good or bad. And truthfully... I guess all of you weren't that bad. So... Maybe someday, if we aren't already, we can be friends. I wouldn't mind that to be honest.


P.S. About the last thing... Unless you're "Blue" or "It". Please don't talk to me.

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