"Think fast"

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You heard your master calling your name. You looked at the boy with fear. "What's wrong." He asked. "I need to go!" You said. You try to sprint but the boy grabbed you arm. "Wait I never gotten your name miss." He said with a smile. Then you heard the footsteps getting louder. "There you are, you little scum." You master said pointing at you. You looking up at the boy with a worried look then back up a few steps. "Hey do you even know this young lady." He said as he got in front of you. "Yes boy, she's my slave." He said, getting closer. "No... she not!" He said as he pulled your arm and sprinted. "Where are we going." You asked. "Going somewhere safe where he can't find you." The boy said with a smile. We both ran towards a alley. Your master ran towards it calling my name. You gasped in relief. "Hey miss, what's your name." He asked. "My name is y/n l/n" you replied with a smile. "My name is Luke Skywalker." He said.
"Wow I really like that last name of yours." You complemented.

A few minutes later...
"The coast is clear." Luke said. You and Luke both ran out of the alley towards a small hut. "This is my home." Luke said showing you around. "Oh you are back Luke and it seems like you invited a lady friend for dinner." The lady said with a smile. "Oh y/n this is my aunt Beru." Luke introduced. "Oh nice to meet you y/n come inside." She welcomed. You came inside smelling delicious food. "Come y/n join us for dinner." Aunt Beru asked. "Oh thank you." You said. Aunt Beru gave you a Plate of delicious food. "So Luke how did you meet this pretty young woman." She said looking a Luke. "Oh she bumped into me." He said. "Yeah I did, I was a slave and escaped. My master was searching for me until he found me and Luke helped me hide from him." You said with a sad look. "Oh poor sweetie but is he still looking for you?" She questioned. "Yes." You replied. "You better stay indoors so he won't find you." Aunt Beru said holding her hand out to you. "Where's you're parents?" Luke asked. "I don't know, when I was 13 they sold me off to him and say I will have a better life that way. But they lied to me. They sold my sister and I to pay if their debt." You said with anger. "But where is your sister?" Aunt Beru questioned. "She's was sold to a filthy slug." You replied Quickly. "I'm so sorry." Luke said. "Yeah I know, anyone would." You replied. Then you heard someone walk in. You were scared and hid under the table. "Uncle Owen!" Luke shouted. You gasped and got out underneath the table. "Hey Luke, oh and you invited you girl friend to stay." Uncle Owen teased. "Oh we aren't a couple." Luke blushed. "She's going to be staying for the night. I believe she's in big danger right now." Aunt Beru said stepping in. "Why." Uncle Owen asked. "I'll explain later." She replied. Luke and yourself left the room and went to the garage. "Wow this is amazing.... I never seen a garage before." You said with amazement. Luke chuckled covering his month. "Yeah I been working on my sand speeder." He said showing it off. "Wow" you replied as you looked at it. "Is it broken?" You asked. "No it's not. I just need to tighten some wires that's all" he said while working on his speeder. You were looking at Luke fixing his sand speeder. "Luke! Get over her I'm going to buy some droids." Uncle Owen shouted. "Okay!" Luke shouted back. "Y/n come with me." He said looking at you. "Alright!" You replied. You followed Luke to the kitchen. "Well you two ready." He said looking at both of you. "Yes uncle." Luke replied. "Then let's head out." He said walking out of the hut.

Few moments later... Uncle Owen, Luke and yourself arrived to the sand people's selling place....
You looked around at all the droids. Uncle Owen asked for the gold droid and the red one. "I don't think that droid is in good condition." You said looking the that one droid. "Well whatever..." Luke said as the droid went then shut down. You spotted it and called Luke. "This droid broke down." You said. "Uncle this droid broke down." Luke said. "Hey excuse me, this R2 unit is in best quality." The gold droid said. "Uncle can we get this one instead." Luke asked pointing at the R2 unit. "Yeah." He replied carelessly. You soon arrived back to the hut with Luke. "Hey you can go in I'm going to have a little chat with my uncle." Luke said with a smile. You went in towards the kitchen. "Greetings y/n" Aunt Beru greeted. "Hi Beru." You replied. You smelled something cooking. "Oh what are you making." You asked. "Oh some soup for Lunch." She replied. "Oh may I help." You asked. "Sure! Can you grab me some carrots please." She asked. "Sure." You said retrieving the carrots. "Oh can you cut them for me." She asked looking down at her soup. "Yes." You said cutting the carrots. Soon you placed them in the pot. "Thank you y/n." Aunt Beru said with a smile. Then you sow Luke walking towards the table. "Lunch is ready!" Aunt Beru said giving us a bowl of soup. Then uncle Owen walked in greeting us. "Hey uncle can I go to the Academy because I didn't get to go last year." Luke asked. "No Luke you still need to help me with those chores." Uncle Owen asked. You felt sorry for Luke. "Owen all his friends went to the academy already." Aunt beru said. Then Luke got up walking out of the kitchen. "Luke!" You called out getting up running after him. You followed him in the garage. He sat down on his desk. "Luke..." you called out spotting him with a frown. "It's not fair y/n." He said. "I know." You said getting closer to him. "I been waiting for a long time to get in the academy." He said looking up at you. You looking down feeling sorry for him. "It will be fine." You said as you kissed his cheek. He smiled as he got up and hugged you. "Thank you..." he said.

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