My love

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"Leia this dress is beautiful." You said with a smile. "Yes it is." Leia replied. "Well look out the balcony. Cause is hear Luke. He just came back." She said. "Alright." You said.

Luke's POV.
I sow Leia rushing towards me. As she hugged me. "Wheres y/n." I asked. "Why won't you see for yourself." She said with a smile. As she pointed her hand up stairs. I slowly walked up stairs and opened the door.

 Then is sow a lady looking out the window

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Then is sow a lady looking out the window. I walked closer to her. "Y/n?" I said. She turned around. "Luke?" She muttered. I smiled at her as she smiled. I raced towards her and I kissed her. "Y/n you looked so beautiful." I said as I touched her shoulder. "Yes I know." She said with a smile.

One year later.

You where looking at the buildings

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You where looking at the buildings. "Y/n." Luke said. You slowly turned around with a smile. Luke walked closer and kneeled in one knee. "Y/n l/n will you marry me." He asked as he showed your ring. You covered your month. "Yes." You said. Then he got up and hugged you.

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