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"I guess we better get going." You said. "I guess so..." Luke said, as he walked towards his speeder. You and Luke got on his speeder and left uncle Owens home.

You and Luke went back to Obi-wans place.
"So your back." Obi-wan said. "Yeah..." you replied looking down. "I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing for us now. I want to learn the ways of the force and become a Jedi like my father." Luke said. Then obi-wan took out an weird object. "I have something for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough but your uncle wouldn't allow it, he feared you might follow old obi-wan on some damn fool idealistic cresade like your father did." Obi-wan said opening the case. "What is it." Luke asked. "Your fathers light saber. This is the weapon of a Jedi knight not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations. The Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old republic before the dark times... before the empire..." obi-wan said while looking down. "Why can't I be a Jedi too." You cried. "The force is strong in you child." Obi-wan said. "Really??? How?" You asked with a smile. "Well there's a light saber for you." Obi-wan said. He handed you a light saber shotting out a purple blade. "Wow was this used." You said looking at the purple blade. "Yes I believe a female Jedi name Elda Jones used it. She was a great friend until order 66 when she disappeared." He said. "Oh..." you said looking at the light saber. "How did my father die." Luke asked. "Well, a young Jedi name Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned evil, helped the empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi knights. He betray and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct. Vader was seduced to the dark side of the force." Obi-wan explained. "What is the force?" You asked. "It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." Obi-wan explain. "Is it possible to learn about it." You asked with Curiosity. "Yes from me." Obi-wan said and added "we must go to Alderaan."
"Do you have a bag for me to put this weapon in." You asked looking at your new weapon. "No you don't need a bag use your belt." Obi-wan said pointing at your belt. "Oh yeah..." you said.

Soon as you and Luke was packing up obi-wan needed a ship to fly out there. So you too stopped by Mos Eisley
There were two storm troopers. "Oh s****." You cursed. "How long have you been owning these droids." The storm trooper asked. "About four seasons." Luke lied. "We need a confirmation ID." The storm trooped asked. "You don't need his confirmation ID." Obi-wan said using the force. "We don't need his confirmation ID." The storm trooper mimic. "These aren't the droids your looking for." Obi-wan continues. "These aren't the droids we are looking for." The storm trooper mimicked. "You can go about your Business." Obi-wan said. "You can go about your business" the storm  said while letting obi-wan leave. " wow I'm impressed you manipulate their minds." You said with a smile. "Well that's the power of the force." Obi-wan said. Then obi-wan parked his speeder car  and asked you and Luke to go inside the bar. "You two can get drinks if you want." Obi-wan said. Then Luke and you went inside but the bartender asked the droids to leave. "Wait outside." Luke asked. The droids listened and went outside. Then you two sat next to each other. When you were about to order an man interrupted you. "Hey little lady want me to buy your drink." The man said. "No im fine I can pay for it myself." You said as you ordered but the man didn't listen but payed the bartender. You heard Luke being threaten by those two aliens. "Um excus-" you were interrupted by the man. "Little lady don't worry about him." He said as he grabbed you arm. "Let me go... please." You asked nicely. "What about no little lady." He said gripping your arm more tighter. "Let me go now!" You said in serious tone. "Why so serious?" He said with a smirk. Then you heard the sound of a light saber go off then you pushed him all the way to the other end of the wall. "How did I do that." You questioned. "Hmm so the force is strong in you." Obi-wan said, referring to you. "I guess so." You said looking at your hands. Everyone started looking at you. "Jedi Business." Obi-wan said grabbing you and Luke's arm. Then you sat down next to Luke at a near by table with a man that was your old classic smuggler. "So I heard you need a ship." He said. "Yes." You said first. Then he turned to you and winked. "Han solo. I'm captain of the millennium falcon. Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system." Han said with a grin. "Yes indeed. If it's a fast ship." Obi-wan replied. "Fast ship? You never heard of the millennium falcon?" Han said with a chuckle. "Should I have." Obi-wan replied looking at Luke and you. "It's the ship that made Kessel run in less then twelve parsecs I've outrun imperial star ships. Not the local bulk cruisers, I'm talking about the big corellian ships now. She's fast enough for you old man. What's the corgo?" Han asked. "Only passengers. Myself, the boy and girl, two droids... no questions asked." Obi-wan said. "(Chuckles) what is it? Some kind of local trouble." Han asked. "Let's just say we'd like to avoid any imperial entanglements." Obi-wan said. You looked at Luke then at Han Solo. "For how much." You asked. "About 15,000." Han replied. "Alright" Obi-wan said. "Not to worry obi-wan I will pay." You said taking your wallet out. "No y/n." He replied. "You have money." Luke said. You completely ignored him and looked at Han. "17,000 alright not more." Obi-wan said. "Alright meet me at docking bay 94." Han said. You looked at your left hand side and sow two storm troopers and a bartender. The. The bartender pointed at you. "Be gotta go." You said pulling Luke's hand.

Then Obi-wan, Luke, and yourself meet with Han.
You sow how big the ship was. "It's doesn't look that fast." You said to yourself. "What a piece of junk." Luke said. "She may not look much but she's fast." Han said trying to impress you. Then Obi-wan went on the ship then Luke and you. But you were stopped by Han. "Have anyone have told you how pretty you are?" Han said with a grin. "No..." you replied. "Well you are miss." He said as he kissed you're hand. Then you went on the ship. "Chewie start the ship." Han said. Then you soon went up to space watching your home planet. "When will we go to Alderaan." You asked with a bored look. "When I finish to my calculation." Han replied. You sat there looking at obi-wan and Luke. "Hey want to practice on the force and the light saber." I said looking at obi-wan. "Yes, I almost forgot about the quick little training." Obi-wan said. You activated your light saber revealing a purple blade. Then a little circle shaped robot start shooting lasers and you reflected them. "Interesting, were you trained before." He said looking at you're hair. "No why?" You asked. "Oh then what is that braid." He said pointing at your braid. "I don't know I try to unravel it but it just won't so I let it be." You said looking at you tiny braid. "Hmm... she must me a Padawan learner." Obi-wan said to himself. "Let's blindfold you." He said. "But how I'm-i" you said as obi-wan cut you off. "You eyes may fool you but use to force." Obi-wan said. You reflected all the lasers. "Hmm so you are strong in the force." Obi-wan said. "Who was you're master."
"I don't know I can't really remember my child hood." You replied...
"Alright now it's your turn Luke." Obi-wan said turning to Luke
You watched Luke practicing but focused on you're braid and you toughed it and had a flashback.

Flash back:
You sow your mother holding a light saber. "Come my little apprentice." She said with a smile. Then you sow your sister with a man with a black hoodie. Then he took off his hoodie revealing your father. Then you came to your mother. She picked you up and hugged you very tight. "I love you my little Jed-" Your flashback ended as Luke was calling your name as you snapped back to reality.

"What happen?" You asked looking around. "We are at Alderaan!" Han said. "But it isn't there." Luke said. "It seems like it have blown up." You said. "Hey there's a empire fighter." You said pointing at it. "Let's follow it." Han said. Then a space station appeared out of no where. "Hey look a space station!" Luke said pointing at it. "Isn't it too big for a space station." You said. "Han turn around." Luke said but Han didn't listen. "Turn around the ship!" Obi-wan said. "I guess he need to turn around." Han said pushing the controls. "Wait we are not moving." You said. "It's pulling us in." Han added. You looking at Luke as he looked at you. You held his arm tightly in fear....

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