The force

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Luke's POV:
The minute after she left I almost  have gotten a heart Attack. Leia, Han and I luckly leave Jubba's hut but bombing it. But I felt a bad feeling about y/n. "What's wrong Luke." Leia asked. "It's y/n I feel that something terrible has happen to her." I said. "Luke she's probably fine." Leia said. "Yeah your probably right." I said.

Y/n POV:
"Pennie let's test are skills." You said. "Sis.... we all know your a better fighter then me. Plus your pregnant and I don't want to hurt your baby." She said. You touched you belly. "Yeah so..." you said. "But you baby is important." She said. "Yeah I know." You said. "So you need to take it easy okay..." you sister said with a smile. "Yes I guess." You said. Then she walked you to your room.

"Luke where are you going." Leia asked. "I'm going somewhere Leia." He said as he left. "I hope he doesn't go crazy for miss y/n." She said to her self.

Pennies POV:
After I placed y/n on her bed. I walked to my masters. "Masters I wanted to know what are we going to do with the baby." I asked. "We are going to kill it... it's just no use. It will become a Jedi cuz of his father." The Sith Lord said. "Yes and y/n is an easy target for my son." Darth Vader said. "But it's really going to break my sisters heart" I said. "I don't care." The Sith yelled as he got up from his throne. I left the room in anger. I've went back to y/n's room she was sound asleep. So I sat on her bed thinking about her belly then she has awoken.

Back your POV:
"Hey." You said. "Oh your awake!!!"  Pennie said getting up. "What do you want to do." You asked. "Let's walk around." She said grabbing your hand. "Sure I guess." You said with a smile and followed her out.

luke POV:
I got on my ship and left. I remember what obi-wan said about yoda so I'm going to pay him a visit. I want to know if it's true about my father.

Moments later:
I arrived to yodas and noticed yoda was feeling sick so I rushed in. "Master yoda?" I said. "Oh skywalker." He said. "Yoda is it true that my father is Darth Vader." I asked. Yoda stayed silent. "Yes." He replied as he coughed. "But why." I asked. "Well he turned to the darkside while you were little but obi-wan hidden you and your twin sister so he wouldn't find you." He said. "Twin sister what twins sister." I asked. "Use the force." He said. So I did and I sow Leia. "Leia..." I said. Yoda nodded. I was shocked I didn't know what to say after that. But Yoda couched and closed his eyes. "What about y/n." I asked. But Yoda didn't answered. I got up. "I need to tell Leia." I said.

Y/n POV:
"Hey y/n!" Your sister asked. "Yes." You replied. Then your sister took out her lightsaber. "I'll go easy on you." Pennie said. Then you took out yours. Pennie started swinging her light saber. As you dodged. Then she swing towards you head but you used to force. And launch her all the way to the other end. "Wow y/n! You strong in the force.  But can You do this!" Your sister said using force lighting. "Of course I can sister." You said as you reflect it to her. You shocked your sister then she collapsed and laughed. "Sister you make me proud." Pennie said getting up. "Girls I got a mission for you." Darth Vader said from behind. "Yes."  You replied. "Follow the soldiers and help them out. I sense there are rebels spying on this planet." He sailed as he showed you the planet. "Yes master." You said. "As you wish." You sister said. "Ready y/n.l" you sister said. "Ready Pennie." You said as you woked towards the ship.

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