💙Frozen heart💙

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Few months later....
you were looking for the best outfit for the cold because at the base it was having a bad frozen weather. "Hey y/n..." Leia said with a smile. "Oh hey." You replied leaving a huge smile. "What's up?" Leia asked. "Nothing much Leia." You replied picking a warm outfit. "Alright." Leia said as she turned away. Then you walked out of your room towards where the ships were. "Hello miss" Lando said with a smile. "Hello Lando."  You replied with a smile. "Hey y/n I was wondering if you would like to... um... fly around the galaxy." Lando asked. "Yeah sure I need to get out once in a while." You said with a smile. "Then let's do it later then." Lando said with a grin as he walked away. You felt like someone was staring at you. You turned and sow Luke peeking. "You can come out Luke..." you said laughing. Luke slowly came out with a frown. "Luke you been looking sad these few months..." you said. "No y/n I'm not it's just I'm stressed out that's all." He said looking at you with a clear crystal blue eyes. "No luke that's not it. You're lying... your hurt I can feel it." You said looking up at him. "Tell me what's bothering you." You said. Then when Luke was about the say something Han interrupted. "Y/n!!! Come you need to know something important." Han shouted. "Okay... Luke I'll be right back..." you said as you walked towards Han. "Y/n I was told by Lando that he wants to ask you out and Leia will I think she likes me." He whispered. "Oh my goodness... Lando seems like a nice guy but I don't feel the same... don't tell him I said this. I don't want him to feel sad. But for Leia I think she's like someone else Han but if she likes you then great!" You said.

Luke's POV:
I felt my heart ached a little as she was talking to Han. "How come she can't see it... how come she doesn't feel it... how come she doesn't sense it...." I said with a frown. I looked at y/n smiling at Han. It was like she like him smile. I felt jealousy and sadness mixed in my heart. "Why can't she notice it. Why can't she know it..." i repeatedly said.  The way she laughes was adorable. The way she smile was making my heart flutter. The way she looks at me with those Crystal e/c eyes were Beautiful. "I can't stand her talking with other guys." I said as I turned around....

Back to you:
Then you turned and sow Luke walking away. You frowned and look back at Han. "Where he going." Han asked. "I don't know... I just don't know." You said looking down. "Let's go y/n... it pretty cold out here." He said as he wrabbed his arm around you neck. "Okay..." you muttered.

Few hours later...
Leia walked in the room with concern. "Hey have you guys seen Luke." She said. "No." Han replied. "No but I noticed him walking out of base." You said. "We need to find him cause he hasn't came back or communicate." Leia said with concern. "I'll find him." Han said. "No I'll find him... Han Leia stay here. It's really my fault that he left." You said getting up. "Y/n it's to dangerous... the temperatures at below..." she said as you interrupted. "No Leia... I should go... I'm the one he loves and care for. I can sense it Leia. If I'm only a Padawan... I can still sense. I have force powers Leia. So does he." You said as you packed you things and left. You got on your Taun Taun and left.
"Luke!!!! Luke!!! I'm sorry about earlier." You cried out. You lips started the freeze as your Taun Taun was about the pass out from the cold. Soon you got off you Taun Taun as you walked on the deep snow. "Luke... please come back everyone is worried about you." you yelled as you collapse on the ground. You felt tried and dizzy.

You're heart was solid as ice

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You're heart was solid as ice. Then everything stopped... your heart stopped... beating....

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