"Parters in crime"

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Partners in crime.:
Btw I love the anime chobits so I add some pics there. And besides you and Pennie are sisters. ^
You wear a white outfit as your sister weared a black outfit.
   Then your ship landed on a planet. You noticed Luke's ship. As your sister set up the traps. "Sister what will we be doing." You asked. "I don't know walk around." She said. "With these dresses." You asked. "I guess." Your sister said. "Okay then." You replied. Then the both of you stopped and noticed Han,Luke, and Leia. "Sister do the Pose." Pennies said. They all turned and stared at you.

"Y/n!" Luke shouted

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"Y/n!" Luke shouted. Then your sister turned. "Why you rebel scums." She said as she pulled out her light saber. You started to laugh. "Y/n?" Leia said looking confuse. You pulled out your lightsaber showing a red blade. "Trader!!!" Han yelled. "Why yes." You said. You felt Luke's heart break. You smiled as you pointed the blade at him.

Your sister looked at you with those eyes

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Your sister looked at you with those eyes. "Let's go." She said was she ran towards Leia.

You watched them fight until Pennie ran towards you

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You watched them fight until Pennie ran towards you. "Y/n! How could you do this." Leia cried as Luke kneeled down on the ground staring at the tree.  Then you got up revealing your belly. "Y/n your." Leia muttered. You nodded  and hugged your sister.

"Sister let's leave them the soldiers are coming

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"Sister let's leave them the soldiers are coming." You said. "Yes." She said. Then you both walked out. "Y/n!!!!" Leia cried. But you ignored her.

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