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The Leia and y/n was taken to Jabba himself...
"Y/n do you understand him." Leia asked. "No not really I don't really remember the language anymore." You said. Then you heard 3po. "3po!!!" You cried. "3po translate for us." Leia asked. Then Jabba started talking as 3po translate. "You too can be very good dancers I mean you and the other one." Jabba said. "Never!" You shouted at him. "Then I just have to make you." He said as the two dancers grabbed you and Leia.

"Leia this is Embarrassing you know

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"Leia this is Embarrassing you know." you complained. "I know my people can't see me like this." She said. Then the two dancers pushed you out the door as they did to Leia. "Good... good.." Jabba said. Then they both chained you up.

1 month later...

You were dancing in front of Jabba and Leia until you felt a weird feeling in your stomach like you were about the throw up

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You were dancing in front of Jabba and Leia until you felt a weird feeling in your stomach like you were about the throw up. Then you stopped dancing and throw up all over the place. "Y/n what's wrong." Leia cried. "I don't know." You replied. Then you heard 3po shouted " It's master skywalker!"
      Your eyes widen a bit. You turned to the side not wanted him to look at you. You covered your face. You didn't hear what he was saying but something like "i not here for any trouble" until he stopped. You looked up and sow him staring at you. Then you got up. He kept staring like he was in a little trance until he spoke up. "How dare you!"
Then he walked closer to Jabba until you warned him but he had fallen down. "Luke!!!!" You shouted. Then you turned around trying to help him. Then you run around again but slowly panting. "What's wrong with me!!!" You cried. Then you barf again. Then you fainted on the cold floor....

Hours later...
you woke up in a prison. You sow Luke behind bars You smiled at him and he looked worried. Then you sow Leia and Han. He was awake. Then you closed your eyes again.

"Jabba I'm looking for my sister y/n." Pennie said. "Oh your sister... what does she look like." He asked. "She had e/c h/c s/c." Pennie said with details. "Oh then follow my gourd he lead you to her. "Alright" Pennie said holding her lightsaber close to her.

Back to y/n....
you opened you eyes because you heard foot prints. "Y/n who's there." Han cried out. "I don't know." You said. Then you sow Pennie. "Sister!!!!" You said. The she opened the steel door. "Sister???" Leia tried getting up but your body was too weak. Then your sister carried you bridal style. "Dear sister your too weak." She said as she ran out. "Y/n!!!" Luke cried out.

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