The rescue part 2

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You galloped towards your sister. Pennie actives her light saber as The emperor laughed. Luke looked at you then at your sister.
"I'm looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call me master." The emperor said. "You're gravely mistaken. You won't convert me as you did my father, and y/n." Luke said as he glanced at you. Your eyes widen. "Oh no. Young Jedi. You will find that it is you who are mistaken about a great many things." The emperor said with a smile. You looked at Luke then the emperor. Pennie looked at you. She kept calling calling your name. But you were in a trance. "So come boy, see for yourself from here. You will witness the final destruction of the alliance and the end of your insignificant rebellion." The emperor said. Luke looked at his weapon. "You want this don't you. The hate is swelling in you now. Take your weapon, use it. I am unarmed strike me down." He mocked. You went in front. "That enough!" You yelled in front of your master. "Y/n what got into you." Pennie yelled. "I don't want to hear no more." You said as you activated your light saber. The emperor laughed. You tried to strike him as your sister got in front and swinged her light saber to your stomach. You screamed in pain. As you fallen on the ground crying. "How could you?" Luke said as he used the force and retrieve his light saber and actives the saber. He tried swinging at the emperor but Vader blocked his hit. "Sorry sister!" Pennie said as she lowered her light saber. You dragged yourself. As blood trailed from behind you. Then you dodged your sisters hit but your sister used to force and dragged you closer to her. But you used the force against her. You sow Luke fighting Vader. You looked down near the emperors throne as you sow your baby (which is a fedus.) laying there dead. Tear went down your cheek as you cried.

"Why?" You questioned

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"Why?" You questioned. Your sister laughed as you sow a tear went down her check. Your cried out loud as Luke turned to you. You can sense he was furious. He beat his father and kept striking him. But he stopped and throw his light saber towards you. "No." he said. Then the emperor got up stepping on the little fetus on the ground. You screamed as your sister put you in a head lock. "If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed!" The emperor said as he shoot Luke with force lighting. Luke fell to the ground as he cried in pain. "Stop it!!!!! Stoppp!!!!" Your screamed. "Shut up!" Your sister said as she kicked you.The emperor stopped. "Your feeble skills are no much for the power of the dark side." He said as he shocked Luke again. He cried is agony. As you screamed in terroir. "Noooo!!!!!! Don't kill him." You cried as you got up. "Don't be so delusional y/n." He said as he used force choke on you. "I rather die next to Luke." You cried. "As you wish." He said as he kicked you to Luke. You sister watched as Vader watched. Luke embraced you as you bleed thru his shirt. "Now you too will pay the Price for your lack of vision and is for you y/n you will be punished for you lack of caring." He said as his force lighting strike both of you. "Father please!" Luke shouted. Then Vader carried the emperor and dropped him down. Then your sister raced towards you as you used you last bit of your force and put pressure on your sisters knee. Making it explode. Your sister collapses and she cried. As you layed down.

Days passed:
"Y/n!!!" A voice said. You opened your eyes and sow Leia. She smiled and hugged you. "I'm glad your alright." She said. You tried getting up but the pain from you belly stopped you. You remember what your sister did and started to cry. Leia embraced you as you cried. "I know... let it out..." she said. "My child Leia my child." You cried. Seeing the moments when the emperor stepped on your baby carelessly. Then the Doctor rushed in. "Miss you are still able to produce more off spring." The Doctor said. You gasped in relief. "Where is Luke." You asked. "He left. He says he had to do errands." She said. You nodded and got up. "We should surprise him." She said. "Yes we should." You said with a smile.

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