Back to the Beginning

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I'm. Sooooo. Stupid! Why did I ever think that Victor would want to see me again? I was an absolute, profound jerk! And now I show up at his door and he starts crying.

I just want to hold onto Victor. Hug him, tell his that everything's alright.. but I can't. I'm afraid that if I do, I'll end up hurting him more that I already have. Or we could start over, and the same thing would happen again. I've missed Victor so much but I can't bring myself to touch him.. I just hope that we can at least be friends again..


This is just a dream, just a dream.... a dream... I can't stop crying, I really wish I could, but I can't. I'm so pathetic. Why did I even wonder why Yuri broke up with me?

Yuri left me because I made one to many mistakes, but my life hasn't gotten any better since then.. I still am in as much pain as I was the day he left me.. They say that time heals, but it doesn't, nothing can fix me now... I'm broken.

Sobs rake through my body, I can't stand. I can't speak. All I can do is cry. When Yuri left, I was only half of a whole, seeing him now has broken me to pieces. It's like an awful joke has been played on me; I fell in love, but he didn't love me back. 


I ruined Victor's life. Clearly. When I first met him, he was so strong, and he could always make a joke out of anything. Now he was sobbing on the doorstep, because of me.

The least I can do is be down there with him! 

So I sat down next to Victor, and wrapped my arms around him. "Victor..." I said at last. "Please stop crying... please. I-I'm an absolute jerk. I hurt you.. and I'm so sorry... c-can y-y-you e-ever forgive me?" I said, as tears started streaming down my face as well. A strange thought crossed my mind, before Victor said anything: well, were both crying on a porch. At least I have one thing left in common with Victor...

I glanced over at him. Victor was a lot thinner that I remembered, and there were dark, almost bruise like, circles under his eyes. His usually pristine and shining hair, was unkept and wild, and the veins in his hands, and bare feet, were much more prominent than usual. 

It hurt me to see him like this, 6 months ago, I wouldn't have thought it possible to see Victor cry... especially not like this! Time flys I guess.. 

Reluctantly, I laid my head down on Victor's shoulder, and closed my eyes, waiting for God to strike me down for the great sin I've committed: making the happiest person alive, cry.


I'm honestly surprised.. I didn't think that my dreams would be this.. realistic. Yuri looked the same, but I can see his face whenever I close my eyes, so that wouldn't be hard to dream about. But, his hair had the same texture: soft and short, and I can, apprantly, dream up what he smells like because, well that's  what happened. 

I hate my brain.

Why would it make me dream this up? I was already in so much pain without seeing him in front of me, kind of at least, this is what you would call tourture..

I can't take it anymore. Even if this is a dream, I need Yuri. I need him. All I have to do is turn my head a little bit; it's not like we're far away from each other.. 

So I did, I turned my head, and kissed him. It wasn't like our normal kisses; soft and sweet, no this one was filled with desperation, hunger—for each other—and sadness.


... He kissed me? Fearing that this would be the last chance to, I kissed Victor back. Hard. 

He had the same taste that I remember: winter, mints, and vanilla. 

We were there, kissing, for what seemed like hours, but it wasn't enough. It would never be enough. "V-Victor? Please, speak to me... please.." I choked out  though the giant lump in my throat.

 He looked at me for a minute, tears still streaming down his face, and spoke, "I-I m-missed you Y-Yuri, b-but why d-did you c-come back for m-me?" Victor stammered through his tears. Then, without waiting for an anwser, his lips were crushed against mine again.

I.. I pulled away from him though.

The look on his face was soul crushing. Even the hardest, meanest people would feel pity for him. "Victor... I-I'm the one who should be apologizing and begging for forgiveness ." I said quietly. "I-I left... you, and I've hated myself for it.. I never meant to.. start all this. I wish I could take it all back.. somehow." I finished slowly. 

Victor looked at me for a minute before speaking again, the tears were no longer flowing. "B-but," he started, looking down. "It... it was your first time back home... in years. A-and I got in the way of you.. and your family. I-I deserved it. Every last second." He said sadly.

I wanted to tell him something that might cheer Victor up.. but I don't think I could.. I'll try though. "Victor... please. Stop." I said, looking him directly in the eye. "You don't deserve this. Please be reasonable. I still love you, and I always will. Please forgive me." I said, trying to sound 'tough'. 

For a second, I thought I saw a hint of a smile on Victor's face, but it was gone a second later. "I already have... I can't ever be mad at you for long, if any amount of time at all.... But will you take me back?" Victor asked quietly, as if he were afraid of the answer.

Hahahahaha hahaha hahaha. Sorry I'm having a difficult time focusing on this, idk why. So this took awhile to get posted, sorry..

I'll try to have a kind of short story out today, or a oneshot out tomorrow, or a long story out tomorrow (that I'll start today.) I'll also try to update my Phan story sometime soon.

Thank you for reading my stories!!!

A/N I don't own the Yuri!!! On Ice characters.

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