Second Chances

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I... I'm so scared. Yuri will probably reject me and I won't be able to handle it.. Even in a dream it would be very painful for me to get rejected. I braced myself for the worst, as he took a breath speak.

"Of course I want you back! Why do you think that I would come all the way to Russia if I didn't? Victor I've missed you so much. I love you." My eyes got bigger and bigger at everyone of Yuri's words. I really couldn't believe it: he wanted me back!

"Y-you do?" I asked quietly, not looking Yuri in the eye. "I must be dreaming.. why you would ever want me?" 

He looked very surprised, "because I love you! Is that so hard to understand, Victor? Please you have to understand! I. Love. You" Yuri said as gently as he could. His eyes searching my face worriedly.

"I-I don't think I could ever understand this... You.... you left me. And now you want me back! What.... what am I supposed to think?" I half yelled at Yuri. I did feel quite a bit of guilt for doing so, espically after seeing the hurt look on Yuri's face, and knowing that it was because of me. "...I'm sorry. You know I don't mean that, right?" 

Yuri looked down. "No. I thought you were mad at me. I-if you don't want me here... I... I'll go." 

Even though he had looked away, I could still see the sadness, disappointment, and tears in Yuri's eyes. It hurts to see him like that. "No, no, no, no! O-of course not.... I.... I can't not love you.. it's just.." I said trailing off. 

"What?" Yuri asked animatedly, "what's wrong?" His eyes glowed with curiosity.. and something else.. the thing that made me fall in love with him in the first place... though I can't name what that would be exactly. 

"I-I thought this was a dream... is it Yuri? Am I dreaming? Am I going to wake up tomorrow morning, and realize that meeting you.. everything was a dream? Am I going to have to cry my eyes out, and never leave the house again?" I asked sadly.. but not without real curiosity in his answer. 

Yuri half smiled, "no. No I'm afraid that this isn't a dream... you got stuck with me to chase you around forever." Yuri said with a smile. 


Victor let out a sigh of relief, and for the first time in forever, he smiled; truly smiled. 

I couldn't help myself anymore. I leaned into Victor, and kissed him softly on the lips. The look on Victor's face was very rewarding, he seemed so shocked that I even had come here for him, so kissing him seemingly stunned him into silence. 

His eyes were wide, making the circles under them even more pronounced, and his cheek bones show under his skin.

I felt my lips pull down into a frown as I reached up, and stroked the bags under his eyes, and his cheeks. He seemed to snap out of his trance like state then, and gave me a somewhat sheepish smile.

"Victor? Have you been sleeping and eating properly?" I said, narrowing my eyes. 

He looked at me guilty, and scratched the back of his neck. "Uh.. maybe?" He said, giving me another sheepish grin.

My eyes narrowed even further at that. I stood up, and pulled him along with me. "Your eating now then. Assuming that you haven't eaten anything all day, of course." I said throwing open the front door to his house, and pushing him in front of me. "Well? Lead me to your kitchen!" I said closing the door with my foot, my eyes never leaving his face.

"O-ok? I-it's t-this way.." Victor stammered and started walking down a hallway. It was lined with pictures of Makachin... and me. 

A lot of them, were just posters of me. Like the ones that were at the train station in my hometown. I stopped for a moment to look at one of Victor and I. "I-I remember this! It was when the public first found out about us.. right? We had just posted this and then so many people and rushed up to us, so we had to run as fast as we could to get away from them right?" I said more than asked Victor. I turned to him expecting to see a wistful smile on his face, from remembering the good times; but it was the exact opposite... his expression was of someone who had lost everything, and wanted to die because of it... but couldn't... because... because if he did.. he knew he would never be able to rest peacefully.

I only saw his expression for a second, as he had quickly looked away, and started walking again

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I only saw his expression for a second, as he had quickly looked away, and started walking again. For a moment, when he was looking at me, though, I thought I saw tears forming in his eyes, but I couldn't be sure— he looked away too fast for me to be positive.

We walked the rest of the way in silence, until he stopped in front of a silver and yellow colored door. "It's in here..." Victor said without looking at me. He opened the door and walked in, his head facing the floor, and his shoulders slumped forward.

I walked into a lovely little room with brightly painted walls and counters. It almost seemed inappropriate with Victor inside it; with his all-black attire, tear streaked face, and hunched shoulders. 

This isn't the Victor that I know. This Victor doesn't know how to smile. This Victor carries the weight of the world on his shoulders... this Victor doesn't know what happiness is.

"Well?" Victor asked quietly. "Go ahead, work your magic.. Yuri." He said my name hesitantly, and very softly as if he were afraid that if he spoke my name too loud, I would disappear.

Yeah... sooooo... uh I'm not entirely sure what to write and you people don't give me any suggestions  so I'm not really sure what y'all want from me...

I'm so grateful for all the support though, so thank you to all my lovely readers! I'll try to get another story out tomorrow or the next day, but I'm not sure if I will be able to..

Seriously though.. suggestions are much appreciated, no they make coming up with what to write easier so the stories will come out faster if you suggest things!!!

A/N I don't own Yuri!!! On Ice 😭😭

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