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In an instant. People say you can see your life pass over you eyes within just the few seconds before your death. You can see everything in such detail, that you almost forget you're about to lose it all. They say you feel no pain in passing, it's only those who care so much about you that feel the stab.

Within seconds, milliseconds even, or any other smaller increment of time, your life can change forever. Some for the good, and some for the worse. But most people, are able to live a solitary, uninteresting life. A life full of such utter, unrealized boredom, that they never know anything different. They never know what living, truly means.

Fortunately, for me, I've been able to experience it all. For better, or for worse. Good and evil. I've been there to not only help others, but to help myself. Slowly finding out what life is really about. Or even, fighting for what's right against the wrong; as there is evil everywhere you look. You don't have to look very hard, when you really think about it. Sometimes, the evil is standing right in front of you.

It's hard to believe that people live without morals. That they can walk about in their lives, not feeling a bit of remorse if something is to go wrong. Not to hurt as they inflict pain upon others, emotional or otherwise. I could never think that way. Not when I had been brought up to be the hero.

I can remember the feeling. Placing my warm hand against his chill ridden body. I can see the movement when Adam shook him up and down, all while I had to be the one to come to terms with the whole thing. I had to be the one to tell Adam that he was gone. That he had left us behind to pick up all the pieces that I had tossed about.

It was over, and it was all my fault.

I would never forget that.

"Should I-"

"No." Giselle interrupted, shushing him in case the two bionics heard them. "We can't have them finding out the truth."

I had been the one to really bring Troy into our lives. I would take the blame, of course. I would excuse the fact that Douglas had originally invited Giselle over to the island, since I was the one to hand over Chase's chip schematics, anyhow. It was my fault that they had gotten ahold of Chase. It was my fault that they had ended up killing him in the end.

I can still feel the shiver as Adam finally admitted that he had never told Chase that he had loved him. That it was indeed too late, that my words were scarily true. I guess it hadn't really hit me until I had heard it from Adam himself.

I can see the dull, emotionless look covering Chase's face as his eyes stayed shut. The once lively and full of passion boy now still, motionless, dead. In that moment, I would have given anything to see them sitting wide open once again. I almost felt like he would, open his eyes again. But I knew that was impossible.

I was under that same impression until something happened. Something so major that I couldn't even comprehend it myself. Not until a while afterwards. This event, this horrid knowledge that I now had to live with for the rest of my life, killed me. Deep inside.

We had left the place, that white lab, thinking Chase was dead. Believing it had been all my fault that he was no longer with us.

"Just you wait until we rip out your-"

"No!" Chase cried as he attempted to lift his arm up out of the cuff. "I have a proposition."

Giselle's eyes narrowed towards the boy. "What kind of proposition?"


When we had returned to the place we called home, the island academy Chase had once loved, we had to find out that our so called dead brother, was actually alive.

He was well, even. If you could consider it that.

While we had been standing there, just above what we had thought was his dead body, he had been watching us with a fiendish smile on his face. He had led us to believe he was dead. Why had he done this, you may ask?

He had done this so he could join another force. The very force that was trying to rid the world of the bionic race once again. Chase, had joined forces with Giselle, and Troy, all in the hopes that he would be the one to make it out alive. Or even make it out on top, for that matter.

Adam and I, have been left behind. The three musketeers missing their third as we fight for what's right. Or what we think is right. All lines have been blurred since our once unstoppable leader decided to switch sides halfway through the game. Just the thought of that... Just the thought that he had left us for them... It was horrid.

The only thing worse, the one piece of knowledge that jabbed into my sides and woke me up late at night, was the worst knowledge of all. The kind of knowledge that not only kills your brain, or your heart, but kills your soul.

"What's next?" Chase asked, a sparkle in his eye at what the day had entailed. Giselle's face lit up at even the words.

"We, go find Marcus. Now that we have you on our side, Chase, nothing, not even your puny bionic brothers and sisters, can save the rest of the world."

Chase, is a defector.


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Defector ✗ Bree DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now