[How You Really Feel]

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[Flashback - First Day At The Academy]

How You Really Feel

Third Person


"How do you really feel about this place?" He scoffed, walking about the room as if he owned it. Though he did, in a sense. The academy was theirs. It was their new home, much like the one back in Mission Creek. With Krane being dead, and the new bionics needing training, this would be theirs, until further notice. Neither had any idea when, or even if, they would be returning to Mission Creek.

She shrugged her shoulders, refolding her previously folded shirt on top of the table in their private living quarters. She was kneeling on the floor in front of the table as he took a seat on the couch behind her. The others had left, those being the members of their family, to get the rest of their things. Chase and Bree, however, already had everything they felt they couldn't live without. The main item on their lists being each other.

"This is better than the basement." She laughed lightly, turning to give him a smile as he sent her a gentle one back in return. The two had been alone for barely twenty minutes, but to them, it felt like eternity. Both in the good, and the bad sense. Good being the time alone, the two almost never got that. But bad as in the nervous feeling that overtook the two. She could feel the knots begin to tie in her stomach, her chest heaving up and down along with her breathing or her now quickly beating heart. Simply being around him did this to her, made her feel this way. It was the same for him, no less. "I never though we'd be able to sleep near the sunlight."

"Me neither." He replied quietly, his voice growing softer as he leaned his back against the white couch. He let his hands rest on his knees nervously, gripping his fingertips around his kneecaps through his skin. His knuckles were practically turning white at this point, but it was all it took of him to keep himself from saying something he shouldn't. "We still share a room." He bit out without thinking, his cheeks burning red after he spoke.

She had since turned her attention to her clothing, but a smile grew about her. She treasured being close to him, even if the capsules separated them on a technicality. "I'm fine with that." She nodded, trying to hint, while at the same time, stay subtle. Her voice wavered slightly with her nerves, that being one thing she had hoped to avoid. He couldn't know. He absolutely couldn't.

"So you're okay with me sleeping right next to you?" He hinted back, the right edge of his mouth curving as he leaned forward. He looked around the hair that pooled over her face as she folded. He was trying to get a glimpse of her face. If he was able to see her expression, he would know. He would know for sure if there were shared feelings there, between the two. She bit into her tongue to hold back her growing smile.

"I love it." She teased, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she glanced back to him. Her hand now resting on the couch, he clumsily allowed his own to be placed just next to her's. He could feel the heat radiating off her hand, just as she could with his. His hand inched forward ever so slightly, their pinkie fingers brushing up against each other as the two locked eyes.

"You're not going to miss school?" Chase reassured, knowing well and good that Bree could see his chest moving up and down. She could most likely hear his heart beat on top of that.

She shook her head, sliding her own hand forward as the two's hands barely interlocked. "No." Chase grew stiff for a single second as the pain from the last hit him once again. He had to know, though. He needed to see if she still felt that way about the others.

"You're not going to miss fawning over all the boys?" He swallowed hard, a large lump in his throat, as he watched her for any sign of remorse. He needed to be sure. He couldn't force her into anything. But he couldn't contain himself much longer.

Her eyes fluttered as the images of her many suitors flashed over her vision. Each one, not enlisting even a second thought as she looked back to Chase. "I won't." She shook her head once more, slowly rising from the floor and moving to sit next to him. The two held a closer proximity than either one had planned. Their faces a mere foot from one another, while Chase's hand now enveloped her's. "I only have one in mind, and he's not back home." She breathed as she leaned in closer.

"Who could that be?" Chase whispered, his voice barely audible as his sight flew down to her lips. The two had shared moments somewhat like this before, yes. But the others failed in comparison to this moment right here. The moment when he had found the birth records came to mind. Genetically engineered humans with completely different DNA. Though their legal records spoke of the same name, father and mother, the records in the lab told a different story. A story that allowed for Bree and Chase to feel the way that they did, without worrying of the incestuous repercussions. This single story had left the two with a large weight being lifted from their shoulders, only leaving a small spec of guilt. They had still fallen for each other under the same circumstances. They had been raised as siblings. The only difference now, was they that they weren't.

She shook her head a third time as she bit into her lip, her eyes catching every glance Chase had made her way. His eyes had scanned all over her body, no less the boy was using his bionics. He could never trust his own instincts in a situation like this one. He needed the cold hard facts to even begin to prove that she did, in fact, have feelings for him. "You know who." She voiced faintly, feeling Chase move just a bit closer to her. He grabbed onto her hand, lacing their fingers together and placing the two's hands on his lap as he sat. His thigh was pressed against her own as the previous foot between them became single inches.

"It's me, then." He nodded, her copying his actions. "And it's you, for me. I can't get you out of my head, Bree." The two held small smiles as Chase reached over, placing his right hand against her cheek as his thumb rubbed lovingly over her skin. A blush formed as he pulled her closer, the two's eyes shutting just before their lips finally touched. Their hands lost each other as Bree clasped her hands onto the boy's shoulders, gripping her fingernails into his shirt roughly. He knew he would have marks left on his shoulders afterward, but he couldn't care less as his second hand flew to the other side of her face. The two kissed, holding each other tighter than ever before, before a single sound forced them to jump apart.

"You cried." Adam insisted, himself and Leo walking into the room as Adam tossed his bag into the floor.

"I did not!" Leo yelled back. Chase had landed at the furthest end of the couch, gripping his fingers now into the bottom of the couch cushion as he eyes bored into the back of Bree's head. Bree sat awkwardly on the floor once more, one leg out straight and the other bent into her chest as she began to fold her clothing for a second time. The two sat completely still, trying to catch their breath silently, as they could feel the stares aimed towards them from the two at the back.

"You guys okay?" Leo called, his voice close enough to make Bree's heart lurch and Chase's stop completely. No one could know. Not a soul could find out about their moment shared.

"Fine." Chase growled lowly as he ripped his phone out of his pocket. His voice sent shivers down her spin as she placed a t-shirt to the side.

"You guys just scared us." Bree brushed off nonchalantly as she went on folding. She listened closely as she worked, not only for the two at the back to give up on their interrogation, but for Chase. His breathing was gruff, almost making their situation move obvious to the actual event that had occurred. Adam and Leo soon went about their way, starting up another conversation as they unpacked. Bree and Chase stayed still, neither wanting to look back at one another for fear that they may elude to something more. This would stay their little secret. "That's all."


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