[ 2 ] Spare Me, Won't You?

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Spare Me, Won't You?



I could feel my heart pounding heavily against my chest, making it only that much harder for me to breath. Not only were my wrists strapped down against against the table, but Giselle and Troy were parading about the room evilly. They each held a look of certainty as their feet tapped down against the white tile in a repetitive motion.

Giselle had it all figured out. She had a plan, a sub plan, a plan in case the second fell through- basically, she had it together. Troy, for that matter, had another thing coming to him. He was stupid, reckless, unknowing of the consequences of his actions. He had been left out of Giselle's master plan. It was the more obvious underlying factor here in this small white lab.

Giselle held a look on her face. One that showed she was strong, confident even, that everything would work out. The confidence quickly turned into a look of deep, deeply seeded evil pleasure as she looked up to me from her tablet. She had held onto the thing every second since the three had entered this room. Never letting the object out of her sight.

An evil laugh escaped her mouth as the twisted smirk grew across her face. She held her stance as Troy finally marked his own territory at my opposite side. The two were glaring down at me, almost making me feel subconscious. "You know what we're doing here, don't you, Chase?" She started, taking a small step closer to me as she let her finger glide down across the tablet screen.

"You know that you lost all chances of living the second you decided to fight back?" Giselle continued as she finally allowed herself to set the tablet down on the table at the side. I shook my head.

"You were never going to give me the chance. You weren't going to give any of us the chance to survive." I shot back, keeping my own stern glare on my face as I watched a sick smile grace her lips again.

"You are as smart as I thought you were." She announced before returning to her tablet. Her eyes scanned over the screen for only another thirty seconds before the watch sitting on Troy's wrist went off. The sound echoed through the room, through the nearby hallways, as the sound brought the same sick smile to both their faces.

"It's time." Troy whispered, the words leaving his mouth just loud enough for Giselle to catch up on them.

"It is." She laughed as she spun swiftly, launching the tablet at the wall until it the screen broke out into a million little pieces. I could feel myself flinch as the object hit the floor, rendered useless because of her single action. "Oh, Chase." Giselle scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest. She reached into her pocket and tossed Troy a hair net before reaching to her side and picking up a scalpel and a drill. It was almost impossible for me not to know what was coming next. "Just you wait until we rip out your-"

"No!" I cried out as I wrenched my wrists against the cuffs, trying to push her away despite the restraints. My heart was beating against my chest as I pushed the images of my family aside. Right now, I had my own life to worry about, and they obviously had gotten out safely many a time without my assistance. "I have a proposition." I spoke the words all too quickly. I had absolutely no idea where this was headed. But in that moment, I knew, I was picking a different path.

Giselle's eyes narrowed towards me instinctively. She would of course have her doubts. But even I knew, if she had a chance not to get blood on her hands, she would take it. "What kind of proposition?" She questioned, sounding completely unsure of herself as Troy ripped the hair net off his head.

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