[ 21 ] The Beginning of The End

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The Beginning of The End

Bionics (Bree)


He was okay now. At least, he looked okay. His eyes were closed, his only looked slightly pale. He was breathing, that was a good thing. But I could still feel the same pain and fear that I had the moment I had found his limp body on the floor. After all he had done to make sure I was okay, planning my escape and taking the bullet out of my chest, he had been the one to get hurt the most. Everyone could say that he deserved it after what he had done. After he had sided with Giselle and fought against us in the beginning. But I couldn't have felt the same. Not even if I tried. I felt like I deserved it. I should have been the one to almost, or to actually lose my life. Chase deserved to live. I would have never wished something like this on him.

I had my arms crossed on the bed, my chin resting just on top of my forearms as I watched him. Mr. Davenport had placed an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, his breathing now steady and easy. Douglas had tried to explain the shock that his body had gone through while the android was choking him. That it wasn't a surprise that Chase hadn't been able to breath, or that his heart had stopped beating, for almost twenty minutes. Apparently, Chase was never dead. His body had simply chosen to act as if it was. It was enough to scare me to death, though.

"He still asleep?" Adam groaned as he flipped over in his bed behind me. I nodded, knowing that somehow my older brother had ended up with a worse gun shot wound than I had. Though Chase had been there to take the bullet out before it had gotten worse. Mr. Davenport had simply placed some antibacterial creme over my wound upon our arrival, covering it with a bandage to prepare me for stitches. Adam, had to be operated on just a few minutes ago to remove the bullet. It had been lodged down deep in his stomach and intestines. "Did they say when he was going to wake up?" Adam questioned once more. I shook my head. I had forgotten everything the two scientists had said. My mind had been on Chase this whole time.

"If they did, I don't remember." I replied honestly. There was no more room for lying in this family. Adam nodded as I turned my head to look back to him. He looked almost pale. "How did Chase wake you up?" I asked. That had been one question that I had been afraid to ask during the battle. Not once had I dared to mention how Chase had been able to prepare our unconscious brother for battle.

Adam shook his head. "I don't really know. I think he probably shocked me or something." Adam laughed dully, a pained expression playing out on his face as he gently placed his hand over the bloody bandage.

"Are you okay?" I pulled my arms off the bed, spinning on my chair to look at him.

"No." Adam sighed as he threw his head back into the pillow behind him. "I was in a coma for days and then I got shot three seconds after I woke up. Oh, and I have geoleaping as a new ability." Adam mused with a smile. I laughed lightly, knowing how confusing it must have been for him to discover after what had happened.

"He gave the ability to all of us so we could make it to battle okay." I explained quickly, Adam sending me a look as Chase stirred slightly.

"He seemed okay earlier." Adam started as he kept his gaze on Chase. "He almost seemed like he regretted what happened." I nodded, knowing exactly what Adam was speaking of. During that battle, you could see the pain in Chase's eyes. He hated he he had done. He hated himself for what he had done to his family.

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