[ 17 ] Pick a Side

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Pick a Side

Androids (Chase)


"Do it." Giselle ordered sternly. "I'll take care of your family."

"What's happening?" Bree asked hurriedly.

"You'll need you're voice later, Beauty."

I had tried. I tried to warn her. I wanted to tell her what kind of torture was coming to her. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself otherwise. But I don't think she listened. I don't think she wanted to. She had clued me out, had intentionally chosen not to hear me as I attempted to prepare her for what was coming. She no longer trusted me. After all that had happened, she had forgotten what it had been like before. What kind of secrets we shared, how we always caught each other when we fell. But I didn't blame her for not keeping that trust for me. I wouldn't trust me either if I was in her situation. I had put her through hell. I had tested her at every end. So she forgot. She forgot that she always trusted me. She had forgotten why she had ever looked to me before. But she should. She should still hold all of her trust in me. I had always come through when she needed me most. I had been there for her through thick and thin. I would come through for her this time, too.

I walked away from the small hallway that held my love, making my way back to the stark white lab. I couldn't stand there any longer. I could hear her giving into Giselle already. Answering the evil witch's meaningless questions without a fight. Yes, Bree had tried to get away, and I should have let her. I should have let her run. I should have let her known what was truly underway. But I couldn't. This way, although it seemed as though she wasn't, Bree was safe. Giselle had always planned to save her for last. She had always said that Bree would die at my hands. If it was up to me, however, we would both make it out of this alive.

I walked into the lab, taking a seat in front of the computer before typing in the code to access the security cameras. The screen was soon covered with the current security footage. Some footage presiding from the academy, others, coming from within the warehouse. All over in the warehouse, students of the academy were laid out across the cold floors. The remote I had clicked had turned off their chips, making it impossible for them to function. It was a sort of virus. One that the androids had found out, wouldn't kill, but would keep them all asleep until we found it necessary to wake them up.

"I was starting to wonder where you were." Marcus announced as he strolled into the room. He looked tired, even for an android. He looked as though he hadn't slept. Or as though he hadn't been charged. "Giselle putting you on watch dog duty again?" He laughed, pulling out the chair next to me and taking a seat in the white lab. I nodded, clicking on the mouse as I flipped between the outside cameras, and the academy cameras. Nothing, was moved, untouched even. Everything was still. No one was outside the warehouse, or inside the academy for that matter. The only one with bionics that was conscious, was Bree. "Did Leo every wake up?" Marcus asked, eyebrows furrowing as he pointed towards the corner camera.

I frowned as I clicked on the small box, zooming in towards the still unconscious body of my younger brother that laid down beneath Douglas and Mr. Davenport. I hadn't taken the time to look at Leo while I had been inside the room myself. It was strange, though. Leo had been fighting in the battle up until I had gone inside to speak with Bree. When I had come out, he had fallen unconscious with the rest of the bionic race. The only one still awake by the end of the battle, was Mr. Davenport. Marcus had just so happened to take care of Douglas' consciousness himself. "Is he dead?" Marcus laughed, almost cynically. He narrowed his sight in towards Leo as I looked between Marcus and the cameras.

"I don't think so." I shook my head as I copied the androids actions, leaning in closer to the screen as I tried to sum up why exactly my brother had yet to wake up. I could feel my chest stop moving as the answer came to me, as I finally calculated it inside my head. There was really only one option here. Mr. Davenport had given Leo a bionic chip. One that would help insure his safety during the first battle of this war. That was why Leo had fallen along with the rest of the students. That was why Leo had yet to wake up. It wasn't that he was dead, it was that his bionics were holding him in slumber.

"Well if he isn't dead, then what is he?" Marcus asked, raising his left eyebrow to me. He knew I was aware of what was actually happening. He had caught onto me. "You know, and you're not going to say." Marcus concluded as he rose from his chair, clicking the keyboard until the cameras were zoomed away from Leo. There, sat a full view of the torture chamber holding Mr. Davenport and Douglas. I watched as Troy leaned in towards the two with the large taser like device. The two Davenport brother's quickly fell against the tables, trying not to move as Troy walked away from their lifeless bodies. Marcus frowned as he leaned in once more, making a silent note of the movements that the two supposedly dead were making. "I thought Troy was to kill them." Marcus stated, stepping back and crossing his arms over his chest. I nodded, rising from my spot on the chair to look at him directly.

"He just did-"

"Then why was Douglas moving?" Marcus interrupted firmly, staring me down as he tried to pry the answer from me. He knew I was in the know. He was aware of the knowledge that I had. Knowing Marcus, he would use it against me if I told him the truth. Because of Douglas, the android would never see it my way.

I shook my head, throwing my hands up in defeat. I wasn't telling Marcus, and I hadn't planned this attack until later. I hadn't planned on leaving until later on. But now, seemed like as good of time as any to commence phase one of the new plan. "Look, Marcus-"

"You have control of Troy." Marcus' eyes widened as he continued to take slow steps back from me. "Giselle thinks she's in control, but it's actually you. You programmed Troy to act like he was killing the Davenport's and to let them live, but to trick Giselle into think they were actually dead." I stood still, unmoving as Marcus shook his head. "How long have you been back on their side?" Marcus drilled, deciding to make a move back in my direction as he took the power back in the conversation.

"I'm not back on their side, Marcus." I hissed defensively, reaching into my back pocket as Marcus stood just a few feet away from me. I held my hands behind my back as I kept my ground, not letting Marcus phase me. He was just an android.

"Then what do you call letting them live?" Marcus hammered in more. "We can't forget what we're fighting for. This is a war, Chase. Pick a damn side!" He yelled. He stare was deep, almost piercing as he tried to convey any sort of fear, or pressure without physically saying the words.

"Okay." I nodded as I stepped forward, lifting the device from my pocket to his neck before slamming it down against his chip.

"Ah!" Marcus cried as he reached up, trying to rip the device out of his neck. I stood back, still holding it up to him as I watched Marcus begin to fall to the floor. "You were never on our side." Marcus breathed before letting his head fall down against the ground.

"I don't think I was."


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