[ 14 ] In The Dark

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In The Dark

Androids (Chase)


The light, it disappeared as I made my way further into the room. The only sound I could hear, was her breathing, and it was music to my ears. I would admit that I had missed her. Everyone else had caught onto that fact just as quickly. It took all I had not to wrap my arms around her right in this moment. But I couldn't. There would be no way. Even a moment of weakness would mean another lifetime of trying to get over her, and I was already in too deep in that sense.

I could feel her tense as I stopped behind her, letting my face rest just next to her ear. She knew who it was. If she didn't I would be surprised. I pressed my lips against her ear, loving the feeling of being next to her once again. I could almost feel my heart stop as she picked up her on breathing once more. "Did you miss me?" I whispered, feeling her freeze against me. I could sense her hesitation, her wanting to tell me that she did in fact miss me. That every second we had been away from each other had been as painful for her as it had been for me.

"I didn't." She spoke unsurely, small tears slipping down her cheeks in the process. That was enough to let me know. I let a quiet laugh leave my lips, my hands reaching down to clasp onto her own. I had missed the feeling of her next to me, of her in my hold. It was still like a drug to me. I could never get enough of her. I rested my chin down on her shoulder, feeling her flinch with every move I made. She wasn't scared, I knew that much. But she was hesitating every second that she was around me. She didn't want to trust me, but she did.

"You did." I whispered to her, correcting her one wrong. "You couldn't stand the thought that I had died. That I had left you behind. It killed you." I whispered on, keeping my voice quiet as I could feel her breathing regulate. We each had that affect on one another. We both calmed each other down and worked the other up. In this moment though, I needed to calm her down. She had been through far too much at my expense.

"Then why?" She cried quietly. "Why did you leave me?" She stopped for only a second before she tossed my arms aside. Her eyes were closed as she turned around, her only opening them to reveal the tears were still welling in them. She flicked on her flashlight once again, putting me back on guard. I could show her no emotion, no matter how badly I wanted to. I placed my hands out in front of me, watching her as I thought over her question. I wasn't the only one in the wrong here.

"Why did you go after Troy?" I questioned back, my left eyebrow raising as she reached up to dry the tears off of her face. That job had previously been mine. She held a more angered look after that. One I hadn't been expecting. I should have prepared myself for her anger. But I didn't. I'd expected to be welcomed back into her life with open arms. With a kiss, even.

"Because of you. You said we couldn't work. You're the one that broke up with me." Bree spoke, the hurt evident in her broken voice. I knew that nothing had changed since we had last talked. She was still sore, rattled, broken in every way. Her heart, even further broken, all because of me.

I nodded slowly, averting my sight from her as I did. I couldn't look her in the eyes in this moment. I had seen the way she had thrown herself at those other guys that had come to the academy, or even before hand. Oliver, or Troy, had enticed her, maybe in a way that I didn't. So I let her go. She needed to be happy, to feel a spark when she was around this person, and I obviously wasn't doing that for her. "It was for the best, Bree." I shook my head, letting out a sigh with my words. The air was stuffy in here, a sort of stuffy that I hadn't felt since we had been held in that basement lab.

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