[ 16 ] In All Honesty

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In All Honesty

Bionics (Bree)


"That won't work now." He shook his head once more. "It's on a ten minute timer." He spoke surely, his voice unwavering as he did. I could feel my hands balling into fists as I held my stare on him. This wasn't Chase. He would never have inflicted this kind of pain, or any pain onto Mr. Davenport. He looked up to him in every way. He even looked up to Douglas. They each held a special place in his life. Or at least, they did hold a place in him. Chase had turned. He was gone, gone for good. He was showing no remorse for what he had done, for what he was doing, or for what he was planning to do. He was forcing pain upon our family right as we stood here, showing no regret.

I could vaguely hear it, the ear piercing sounds that were playing inside that other half of the room. It was loud, even louder than the bomb that the androids had set on us just a few days ago. Chase stood, watching as the scene played out before us. He never flinched. He never moved. Chase never once showed one sign that he felt bad for what was going on. I shook my head, looking away from the boy I used to know. He had changed. I no longer knew who this person was. Chase was a monster.

"So what?" I whispered, my sight honing in on the pain spread across Mr. Davenport's face. He looked tortured. He looked as through even through the sounds that were breaking his ear drums, he was trying to find a way out. He held a sort of determination that none of us truly knew. "We're just supposed to stand here and watch this?" I allowed myself to look back to him, back to Chase, watching as he shook his head. I could feel my eyes narrow towards him as he turned to me, facing me head on as he shook his head a second time.

"No." He whispered, lifting another remote up from out of his pocket. "You, are going to watch. I'm needed elsewhere." He relayed before he took a step towards me, clicking his finger against the button before a sound at the wall behind me caught my attention. I spun around to see one of the rusty metal walls flip up, revealing a small white chair that Chase went to go get. He pushed it out, the chair nailed down against a large piece of tile and holding straps on either arm rest. I shook my head as he reached out for my arm, trying to get away from him before he could do the same to me as he was doing to Mr. Davenport and Douglas. I couldn't let him torture me too. I was the only one with a slight chance of getting us all out of here.

"Chase no." I shook my head, feeling the tears begin to well in my eyes. He couldn't. He couldn't do this to me. "You're going to kill us all." I yelled back at him, trying to see it, searching for any sign that Chase was still in there. I had seen it twice, I knew I could find it again.

"Don't." Chase shook his head as he pushed the remotes down into his pockets. He trained his sight on me, trying to predict any move I made before I even came up with the idea myself. "Don't try and run." He tried again. I shook my head as I bit hard into my lip, drawing blood as I glanced from side to side. There had to be a way out.

"Chase please." I whined as he came around to my side, the remotes now resting in his pockets as he reached out for my arms. His fingertips gently slid across my arm, me jumped back at his touch. "Stop it!" I yelled as I fell back onto the floor, skidding away from him as quickly as I could. I couldn't go down without a fight.

"You can't run." Giselle announced as she strutted into the room, waving someone else into the opposite room that held my father and his brother. I swallowed hard, the door closing behind her as she made her way over to me. "We haven't really gotten a chance to talk yet." Giselle spit out my way with an evil smirk. I looked back, the loud sounds in the other room dying down as Troy made his way inside. Mr. Davenport looked exhausted as the sound stopped, the fear only becoming more evident as Troy picked up a device from the corner of the room.

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