[ 11 ] The Awakening of an Android Lost

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The Awakening of an Android Lost

Androids (Chase)


"There." Giselle sighed as she dropped her tool onto the table at her side. She set her right index finger against a small button just on top of the neck of the now reassembled android. Within seconds, Marcus' exterior had returned. That was one face I hadn't seen for a while. "He might wake up. But we may need to charge him." Giselle nodded to herself as she took a step back. I was sitting on the opposite side of Marcus' android body, watching for any signs that he was still alive in there. For all I knew, he could wake up an entirely different person. Wake up as someone I had never met before. I would almost prefer that. "Watch him, Chase. Report back to me in twenty." She finished as she made her way around the table in the white lab, the same table I had been strapped to just four days ago. It was indescribable, I wasn't going to lie. Just sitting here, alone, next to Marcus, even if he wasn't truly awake. Giselle had left to check on Troy. The other android had run off to check the cameras at the academy.

"You left me behind." He started, his eyes opening slowly as he reacquainted himself with his surroundings. I could feel a frown take form on my face as I turned my attention back to the android. "You were the one to warn me that the ceiling was caving in. But you left me to die." He stopped, his eyes locking with mine with a turn of his head. His eyebrow cocked upward, just the same as it had the day of the battle. Just the same way he had always looked at Leo. Mischievous.

"With that hit..." I left off, resting my right hand on my knee as I with my sights set on the ground. "Everyone knew well and good that you weren't going to make it." Marcus nodded, placing his hands at his sides as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.

"So you left again." He replied vaguely, receiving an odd look from me. A small smile took to his face, an almost evil sense about it. "You left me, to die, in that burning, crumbling lab, and now you've done the same once more. You left behind people you call your family." He elaborated, a smirk now taking the place of the evil smile.


"Don't act like you didn't." Marcus shook his head. "I was well awake during that operation, I heard everything that's gone on these last few days. You left them." I swallowed hard, forcing my nerves back down as I kept myself calm. Keeping my breathing regulated, staying still as much as I could. I couldn't reveal to Marcus just how uneasy I was with the situation. "You left her, after all she did to protect you."

My eyes narrowed as I glanced back up to him, scanning over him to try and figure out what he was grasping at. What little point he was attempting to poke me with as of now. "What do you mean, protect me?" I asked harshly, my voice coming out more angered than I had intended upon. "If anything, she's the reason I'm here. She's the reason I almost died." Marcus shook his head.

"No, you're, the reason she almost died. You intentionally set off that bomb. You knew the consequences, you knew there was a huge chance that they wouldn't make it out." Marcus shot back, all emotions wiped off his face as he shifted towards me. He gently let his legs hang off the table, resting his elbows on his knees. "Did you hear she broke her arm?"

"What?" I asked, my heart rate skipping about as my sight was momentarily impaired.

"Bree." Marcus hinted once more. "She broke her arm in the bombing. And as far as she knows, Adam's unconscious and may be dead. Leo, Mr. Davenport... And Douglas," he paused, his eyes glazing over, "are fine." Marcus finished off, looking back to me. "I can hear what Giselle and Troy are saying down the hall." He whispered, his voice quieter than I had ever heard before.

We each fell silent, neither one of us feeling the need to break into the quiet atmosphere with another stupid question. He was right, when he did speak. Bree hadn't meant for those things to happen to me. All she had known until she had snuck off on that film set, was that Troy was some method actor, and Giselle, his director. Even when she did find the knowledge of Troy and Giselle's true intentions, she had come back to save me. I had turned on her, and the others, without much of a second thought.

"You love her." Marcus asked, catching my attention as we made eye contact once more.

"I don't." I shook my head, running my fingers through my hair as I rose from my chair.

"You do." Marcus nodded as he followed my actions, an almost sly smile on his face as he looked me up and down. "There was always something off about the two of you. Your relationship seemed to push the boundaries on every level. It didn't matter what happened, you were always by each other's side. Worrying constantly about one an-"

"I get it, Marcus. You don't have to rub it in." I hissed. We stood in our places, staring intensely at one another. Marcus broke his emotionless expression, a small smirk returning to him.

"I'll join your team." Marcus nodded my way, trying to cut the tension that had grown between the two of us. "But only because Douglas is on their side." I watched, Marcus almost freezing in place as the words really hit him. "At least you five stayed to warn me. Douglas left without a word." His voice was quiet once again as I nodded to him. The android's sight fell to the ground, allowing me a second to leave him alone. He needed the time more than I would. I turned on my heel and quietly exited the room. He stood still, I could hear he hadn't moved an inch. I stopped in the middle of the hallway, not feeling the need to report back to Giselle, or the return to my conversation with Marcus. I did love Bree, as more than just a sister. Marcus was right. But there was no going back now. The war had only just begun.

"They're coming." Troy breathed hurriedly, the fear evident in his voice as he whispered to Giselle. I could hear something fall onto the table, most likely the headset Troy had been using to listen into the cameras. I kept my steps light as I jumped over to the other wall, listening in. "Bree just said it. They got the others out of the bomb site, and now they're preparing for the war. The entire bionic race is in on it now." Troy's words felt nervous at they hit my ears. He was worried, and so was I. Bree was coming. "They know where we are-"

"I get it, Troy!" Giselle hissed lowly, cutting off the android as she began to pace about the room. I could hear her heels clicking against the tile. "This isn't so bad." She finally came to the revelation. "Let them come." She laughed evilly. "We'll be waiting."


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