[ 8 ] Only One Way Out

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Only One Way Out

Bionics (Bree)


Leo had told me to calm down. He was coming to save me. He had said it himself. I had heard myself him just mere minutes ago, and yet, I didn't believe it. Every pain staking second since the bomb went off had alluded to the fact that I wouldn't make it out alive. That my time here was about to end. There was no way out, and I had come to terms with that. I was almost more sane after coming to that realization. I had felt so dull, desolate, uninterested in life, so far before the war had even been declared. I couldn't go on any longer.

"Bree." Leo whispered as he hurled the steel wall off of Adam and I. The fact that my Leo possessed a bionic arm had seemingly slipped from my mind during the attack. I had put all my hope into Adam, who was still unconscious. Leo cautiously threaded over the chunk of wood that currently laid between Adam and I. The table had been reduced to practically nothing, along with everything else around us. It was as though this room never existed. Only the five of us would keep its memory. No one else had heard a thing of it.

"Ow." I groaned, the pressure from Leo's weight resonating onto my stomach as the wood shard continually pressed onto me. Leo quickly jumped off, taking the object into his hand before it was cast aside like the wall. I sucked in a breath, attempting to get up. I needed to rip my loosely held together arm from under the opposite leg of the table. I opened my eyes, the smoke was dying down, along with the fire. This was the aftermath of the attack. I hadn't been sure if I would even make it this far. I had been okay with that matter up until the moment Leo had come to help. It was as though I stood a chance, in the most unconventional way possible.

"Is everyone okay?" Mr. Davenport called from behind the section of ceiling that held us from our the two. Mr. Davenport had to be worried sick if he was okay. I glanced up to Leo, locking eyes with him for the first time since the bomb had detonated before I shook my head. Not only was I in bad health, but no one had checked in on the body laying at my side.

"Adam." I coughed, pointing to my trapped arm as I struggled against the wood. If I had been under any normal circumstances, this wouldn't be heavy. It would be a piece of cake to remove from atop my arm. But dust and smoke we're currently filling my lungs, and as far as I knew, my arm was broken underneath that long scrap of wood. Leo nodded to me, leaning down to remove it. He pushed it, laying the broken wood down at my side as he knelt down behind me. He placed his hands under my arms and lifted me up, my head now resting in his lap.

"Is your arm broken?" He whispered, not wanting to bounce his question louder than necessary as the beeping had only just stopped. My hearing had been imparted no less, especially since I hadn't been able to cover my ears during the attack. I hadn't been able to do much of anything. Even now, Leo was assisting me. I wasn't doing a thing on my own. I was barely breathing as a matter of fact. I was shattered. The damage was no longer exclusive to my emotions. I was a mess physically now, as well. I could barely call myself bionic. Even if I was alive, I didn't know how long I would actually last.

I nodded slowly, answering Leo's without words question. I did believe my arm was broken. I glanced up, seeing Leo's eyes were stuck on Adam. He was worried, I could see that without an explanation. Every bit of him held concern as he gently repositioned my head against the ground. Leo calmly slid across the floor, his eyes scanning over Adam's inanimate body. He gently set his fingers onto Adam's neck, feeling for a pulse.

Defector ✗ Bree DavenportWhere stories live. Discover now