[ 5 ] Never Trust Those Who Leave

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Never Trust Those Who Leave

Bionics (Bree)


"He would know." I whispered as I pushed a single grape around on my tray. My eyes focused in on the pale, green object. It was lunch. Halfway through this horrid excuse of a day. Other students were sitting around me. None with me, but all around, at just the right distance. I needed space. I could feel their eyes piercing into the back of my head as I went about with what I was doing. "He would know everything. He does, know everything." My words were light, quiet even. The other students sitting at the tables around me had to be confused. They had all properly assumed that I had gone crazy after the news of Chase hit. They knew I had been affected the most out of anyone. Chase was...

Chase was mine. He was the only one I've ever truly loved. I had been infatuated with others, all very similar to Chase. But none of them could ever really compare. No one else would ever compare to Chase. It only took me believing he was dead to figure that out for myself. Then it only took seeing him in that light for it to really set in. To watch him, use his powers for evil. It was sick, but I still couldn't rid my brain of him. I was drowning in my feelings for Chase. The feelings I had never told him, never discussed nor mentioned. Even now it was too late to really do anything, to make any action. He was gone as far as I was concerned.

"Bree!" Adam called as he raced over, eyes glazed over in thought. That was one way I had almost never seen Adam. Thinking. He almost always let things pass by him without thought or action. Unless that action was on an impulse. I had caught him many a time in situations he internally wished he never would have gotten himself into. He probably even regretted becoming bionic. Now that we had lost Chase. What good were bionics without a team to use them with. It was like playing basketball by yourself against a full team.

Adam stopped just a bit from me, his eyes boring into me. Just like the rest of the students. "What?" I questioned, looking away from him and focusing my attention back on the grape. The rest of my lunch had gone completely untouched. Mr. Davenport's words of building up strength had been put into perspective by everyone. Everyone except me. It was merely out of fear, though; that I was like this. I was scared to eat, move, or sleep. I was scared to do anything really. "I'm busy." I muttered on, warily looking back up to see him looking at me expectantly. Still, watching my every move. They were all worried about me. None of them would ever come right out and say it, but they were.

Adam took another step towards me, leaning in as he did. His hand took refuge on my shoulder as he tried to hold himself up. He was weak, just like I was. Or at least he was beginning to get to the weakest level where I resided in. "I can't explain out here." Adam whispered, keeping his words gentle. We couldn't have any of the students overhearing us. This matter was more important than anything we had ever dealt with before. It was more important than anything the students could even imagine. Chase was nothing to them, merely a mentor. But he was everything to me.

I nodded, pushing my tray further into the center of the table. It wasn't like I had been planning on eating it, anyways. "Alright." I sighed, rising from my chair and forcing Adam to take a step back. "Is that where you've been all day?" I questioned as Adam led me towards the hydro-loop. Leo, Douglas, Mr. Davenport, Adam; they had all been missing in action. Their choice to not show, left me to pick up the pieces. I had been teaching the classes all day. Or better yet, I had been supervising training all day. The students were at a level now where they could all practically teach themselves.

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