[ 18 ] To Escape and To Kill

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To Escape and To Kill

Bionics (Bree)


"This is a war, Bree. And I will keep my promise to eradicate the world of the bionic race." She announced with a sick smile. "That includes Chase." She finished, turning away from me to watch as Troy set down the device. I could feel my heart stop within my chest as I watched him, as I watched Troy. The android let the weapon that had just killed my family fall to the ground gently, holding an almost silently lost look on his face. He looked as though he was under Giselle's complete control. Troy was holding himself as if he had no say in what was happening. His eyes held a sort of glassed over look that I had never seen in him, even when I had been right next to him. Even when I had looked right up into those metal eyes, I had never seen that look. She must have disabled any emotions the android had once had. He had always looked alert, keen, ready for anything. But right now, in this moment, he didn't even look like himself.

His job was done, however, even if Troy didn't look like himself or if Giselle was really in control. Troy had done exactly as Giselle had asked. Mr. Davenport and Douglas were dead. Leo was probably dead along with them for all I knew. Adam could be dead by now too. I didn't know what had happened to him since we had left. I had no one here with me. No one to help me through this like I had before. I should be dead, I should have been given the privilege to leave right along with them. Everyone that I cared about was gone. I didn't need to be here.

But at the same time, I was needed. Maybe it was my own goal to eradicate the androids. Maybe I needed to purge the world of evil, just as my family had trained me to do. This would be my legacy as the only, and final bionic, to rid the world of the androids once and for all. "You'll die in here." Giselle sighed as she spun on her heel, her shoes clicking against the concrete floor as she turned back to me. "Either of starvation, or Chase will come and finish the job." I could feel a frown taking form on my face as I pushed away the tears. I couldn't show weakness. I couldn't show her I was scared, or unsure, or anything else. I had to work especially hard to hide my plotting. If I did, I wouldn't be able to make it out of here.

"I thought you were going to kill Chase." I stated simply, getting a nod back from
Giselle. She held a sort of certain, uncertainty that made even me feel wary in every way.

"Of course I'm going to kill Chase." Giselle scoffed. I could feel my eyebrows furrow as I looked back to her, catching something in her eyes that I had never seen in her, the same as with Troy. The two two were uncertain. "I will kill Chase, but only after he finishes my dirty work. Dirty work meaning he kills you and the other bionics." That's what it was, that's what was in the both of their eyes. They had no idea where this war was headed, or where it would end. Giselle and Troy had only made the lofty plan of eradicating the bionic race to put their names on the map. Now that they had almost done it, they had no clue where to go. Their path would most likely lead to jail, however.

Giselle nodded surely, her arms crossed firmly over her chest as I glanced behind her. Even though the others in that room had left me behind, they would be my motivation to keep going. To fight back against Giselle, Troy, and even Chase. "But he's on your side. He's helping you and the androids win." I argued, feeling my heart drop to my stomach at the thought of Chase leaving us behind. Just the same as he had left me behind in this room to watch as Mr. Davenport and Douglas died. This experience had been emotionally draining in every way.

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