10. Concealer doesn't hide Everything.

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"So where are you from again?" The lady professor asked. The professors were lounging in the cafe that was reserved for them. Loki was secluded in a corner. He wasn't one for socializing. This lady however was relentlessly pestering him with questions.

"I'm from New York" he said bluntly without looking at her.

"That's great! And how old are you?" she asked completely missing his not-so-subtle hint. He rolled his eyes.

"Twenty two"

on earth, 1048 on Asgard you mewling ..

"So young! " she said smiling.

"I was an intelligent child. More so than the adults I meet nowadays." He said completely indicating that he was talking about her. She STILL did not take the hint.

A knock was heard on the door Loki nearly sighed in relief. A girl opened the door. It was her!

"Ms . Hailey! "She said with a radiant smile. Loki's heart beat a little faster. She saw him and smiled an even warmer smile. She waved at him in an awkward and yet cute way. No amount of self control could stop him from smiling back at her.

"Ah come in dear! Here you go. This is what you wanted right? " Ms. Hailey said and gave her a bag. It looked like it had clothes in it. She looked inside and her face brightened up.

"This is so beautiful. Thank you so much! " she said and hugged ms. Hailey. She flashed a smile at Loki before going.

"She is such a nice girl. Pity" Ms. Hailey said. Loki became attentive.

"Pity?" He asked. She looked at him.

"Her mother... what happened to her was... sad. "

"Why?" He asked. Now his interest was piqued

"Well. They went through a really rough time after Her mother's second marriage. Her mother couldn't bear it. She snapped." She said simply.

"The father died?"Loki asked confused.

"Yes. Her step father and brother take care of her now." She said then Loki understood. Andy was her step brother. So Dan must be her step father.

"So what is her step father like?" He asked. The professor looked delighted that he wanted to talk to her.

"Well. His name is Dan. He is a carpenter by profession. But." She whispered ,"he tends to get a little too drunk and a little too handsy around women."

Loki clenched his jaw. Had this brute been hurting her from before?

"Let's just say she has ended up in the hospital emergency room a few more times than would be considered normal" Ms. Hailey said. The bell rang and she waved at him and began gathering her stuff. Loki sat there. Anger overtook him. She had been hurt!

"Well...guess concealer doesn't conceal everything." she said just before closing the door.

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